Unwanted Shopping Visitor | Teen Ink

Unwanted Shopping Visitor

May 26, 2015
By brit97 BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
brit97 BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A lot of people have funny or amusing stories about work or colleagues. I have just a very odd story about my work. Hello I am Jessica Young and I am the manager of Walmart in Cocoa Florida. One Friday morning it was nice and sunny and I walked in to work like any other day. I did my normal routine that day. I woke up at 6 am, left my house at 7 and got to work by 7:30. I clocked in said hello to my work friends and carried on with my morning.
I did my regular stocks as I do every day. I got a call from someone in the food section that asked if I could go make sure the frozen were all in order. So it was pretty much a just an ordinary day until 3 o’clock that afternoon.
I was sitting in the break room all calm talking to a coworker. I was about to take my last break of the day. Then I heard a scream from isle three! I ran across the store along with two other coworkers of mine. When we looked we couldn’t believe our eyes! Sitting there was a six foot long giant alligator and what looked like her two babies. Everyone was screaming for dear life and running around like wild animals. The first thing I did was get everyone out safely.  By the time I got everyone out, the police and animal control arrived. I had to give them a quick run-down on what happened before they could assist the situation. Then I left the scene so they could get on with their job.
It took 2 hours to get the alligators removed. While watching them I began to appreciate the work that they do. They got the alligators out of the building and in to the back of the truck.
I asked where they were taking the alligators.
One of the workers said, “We’re going to bring them to a nearby sanctuary.”
I asked them, “How do you think they got in the building with no one knowing.”
The worker said, “We don’t know but, I suggest you security under control.”
So after that bizarre day at work I was always very cautious on who or what went in and out of my store. Thankfully the alligators went to a good home and are now safe and sound in the right environment. This story happened two years ago but I will always tell the tale. To this day people still don’t believe that it’s true. Then I tell them to go look in a newspaper or online and then they never question me again. There are upsides and downsides to living in Florida. Unfortunately one of the downsides are its exotic animals!

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