The Escape | Teen Ink

The Escape

March 31, 2015
By Matthew Raphael BRONZE, 2, Alaska
Matthew Raphael BRONZE, 2, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cold day, the sky was clear. I could hear few birds chirping. I tried to fix the heater but it was not working. My house was very small only three rooms, the kitchen, bathroom and living room. I went to corner of the living room and bundled myself with blankets. At least I could read for my flashlight was working. Suddenly there was a silence. I knew something was wrong so I looked through my window and saw around eight men dressed in black body suits carrying guns. They knew what I had done. I thought coming to a lonely cabin in the middle of nowhere was a good hiding place. Then the door collapsed, the men came rushing in, as soon as they saw me they threatened to shoot me unless I put my hands up. I put my hands up very quickly. They swiftly came up behind me and put a sack that covered my face. The men were kidnapping me. I tried wiggle a little bit but that did not help. After a hour or so they took of the hood, I knew it was a factory of some sort because of the equipment lying on the ground. They took me into a room, it was very plain just a bed and a bathroom. Suddenly a woman dressed in white appeared. I asked her many questions but she only answered few because most of the answers were classified. She told me what I was going to do and what it was for. The lady had told me that I was building weapons. Immediately thought it was for the army, I also thought it might have been a sort of punishment for the crime. The very next day, I guessed because they had no windows or clocks, two black clad men came into my room and woke me up. They told me to start working, but I did not know what do so they took me to another person working there and he explained to me what to do. There were very few step but they required precision. Then we passed it onto the next person. There were about 35 people. Most of them looked weary even though we had just woke up. It was then I had just realized that I had not had breakfast. After I think 24 days of this work, I could not take it. My workmates and I had devised a plan to get out of here at today was the day to execute it. One person distracted men as the other broke the lock on the back door and we had scraped so metal to make makeshift knives we used this to guard ourselves. Soon we were free. I took this opportunity to hijack a car a drive it back to my cabin.

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