The Land Across the Sea | Teen Ink

The Land Across the Sea

March 27, 2015
By Arjun BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Arjun BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


The Land Across the Sea
The rain was pouring, the sun was shining, only able to hear little drops of water falling. Looking ahead came two giant objects at our ship. It was another group of pirates attacking us. The mist was clearing away, when Fred our leader came. His face filled with anger showing no one was to get in his way. All of our pirates charged on the other ship. Explosions were everywhere. Fred clung on the rope and jumped on the other ship. The battle was close, everyone was screaming, until Fred decided to call everyone back to their ship. A storm was coming in, the enemies had to retreat. But to get closer to the destination, Fred went through the storm. The waves were giant, everyone was scared. We kept going, our ship was rocking back and forth. The ship was about to sink, but Fred kept hoping. The storm had stopped, our ship was badly injured. Our destination was just ahead. We all got excited, our ship stopped, only hearing the rushing of waves. We got off our ship with Fred leading us the way. There were many unknown animals on the way. We passed through many traps and dead ends. Our map was very hard to read, and everyone was tired. Fred had been searching for days, we thought there was no hope of finding what we needed. Our food was low, we had only one more days before turning back to home. Next morning, Fred woke up early, he dug and dug until finally, he found the treasure. Everyone was in joy, finally we had reached our destination. When we went back to our ship, and made our way back. After that tough journey we had accomplished something. Reaching home, we brought the gold, but no one was there, the roads were empty. There was no noise except for the walking of footsteps. We put all our treasure safely away, took a deep breath and slept after that adventurous journey.

The author's comments:

I got inspired by kids

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