Mind Games | Teen Ink

Mind Games

March 13, 2015
By graceekiesel BRONZE, Modesto, California
graceekiesel BRONZE, Modesto, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I ran down the hallways of the Midian Research and Test Center. I was being chased by the authorities but I was not leaving until I found what I was looking for. When I turned the corner on the bottom most floor I slipped into the Filing Room. I knew there was a part of my life that was being kept from me and I don’t want to continue living in the unknown. As I dug through the filing cabinets I found a folder labeled CONFIDENTIAL. I opened the folder there was a single piece of paper with one single password printed on it. I then rushed over to the computer. I typed the password in and it opened to a screen with a list of research patients and test subjects. I know I would only have a few more minutes before the authorities began to following me. I was scrolling through the list of names but none looked familiar to me. I was becoming really frustrated with myself because of the effort I put into getting this far to find absolutely nothing. But then as I started to give up I came across something titled Project H. This was the one I knew I was looking for. I opened the file to find nothing but a floor and cell number. The rest of the file was protected by another password. I pulled up the building directory and found where the location of the project was. Not only did my heart jump but so did I at the sound of the security alarm ring. I closed the program, grabbed the folder and ran. As I ran back up the back stairwell I could hear the sound of the door being brought down of the room I was just in. As I reached the top of the stairs, I was reluctant to find Caroline in the same place I left her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her along. The two of us ran as fast as we could to the next stairwell.

“I am guessing you found what were looking for” Caroline said.
“I don’t know what is behind this cell number but I know I will find my answers. We have to get out of here first" declared Marcus.
"Marcus!" Caroline shouted. "We can't leave now! If we leave we never be able to get back in because they will come find us.”
“Guess you are right.”
“Yeah so we don’t have much time. We have to move.”

We began to run up the staircases that lead us to the floor we were looking for. I grabbed my walkie out of my back pocket and as we were running I spoke into it. “Jacob! Come in Jacob.”
“Copy Marcus” he responded.
“Can you hack into the security system and shut down everything?!”
“No promises but I will try.”
“Get back to me ASAP.”

We finally reached the floor where the cell was located. The stairwell door opened and we entered an empty hallway with no other access but the stairwell we just came up from.
“Marcus if we can block this door with something they won’t be able to get in.”
“But, Car if we block the door then we can’t get out.”
“No matter what we do we won’t be able to get out. We are basically stuck.”
“I really didn’t think this one through.”
“No s*** Sherlock.”
As we proceeded down the hallway we reached a steel vault door. Next to the door was a keypad which made us think that we needed a password.
“Marcus is there anything else in project file?”
“I didn’t see anything else but let me look. Car look!”
“What is that?”
“It looks like a small key card is taped to the inside of the folder. If I can get it out there might be a bar code or password on the other side.”
“Ok but we have to hurry.”

I ripped the tape off of the edges of the card and found that there was indeed a barcode on the other side. I turned away from Caroline and back to the keypad. I noticed that on the side there was a scanner which might allow us access. This moment would either open it or it would screw us. My heart was pounding and I was praying in the back of my mind that it would work. I placed the card in the slot and slide the card down ever so slowly. I did this to help improve the chances of it working. When the card came out the other side my heart felt relief when the screen said “ACCESS GRANTED” and heard the steel door begin to open. Before entering the dark space I turned back to the door where we entered and began to think about what could we do to hold off the authorities. I looked around I noticed that there were other cells in the hallway so I decided to open the door closest to me. When I was inside I found a ton of huge steel furniture. These pieces were the perfect thing to hold the door shut.
“Car come give me a hand with this.”
“What are you trying to do, we don’t have much time.”
“Like you said, we don’t have much time but this might buy us some. So are you going to help me or not?”
We pushed the furniture out of the office and out into the hallway to block the stairwell door. Caroline and I had pushed at least  six heavy piece out there.
“I think that should be enough. Let’s go!” I said.

We entered the thick black cell and I couldn’t see a single thing. I felt like I had gone blind. I felt Caroline’s hand dangling to her sides. I reached down and grabbed it. She surprisingly didn’t flinch or say a word. As we proceeded through the room, hand in hand, we started to notice that this was not only a room but a tunnel that lead to somewhere else.
“Look!” Caroline proclaimed. “Do you see the light up ahead?”
I looked but didn’t see anything until we moved closer and notice that there was a beam of life coming from the ceiling. Once we reached the first beam of light I realized that there were more up ahead. Right when I noticed that I as realized that we began walking down hill. I looked at Caroline and she looked back. I knew we both had the same thought. Where are we going and what is such a secret that they are keeping this far down from the entrance?

It had literally felt like we had walked a mile and still had reached anything. But right as I thought this we came up on another door with the same key pad attached to the side. I pulled the key card out of my pocket and again hoped that this one would work. I slid it down the side and again I felt relief that it had worked. This steel door began to open. I felt like someone just kicked me in the knees from behind when I saw a kid about my age strapped to a chair. I had never felt so much pain in my life. The kid’s head began to raise and stared right into my eyes with is swollen ones. I couldn’t really make out his face because of all of the bruises and scrapes across it. There wasn’t much light in there and going from a bright lit hallway into a pitch black cave like room was not easy on the eyes. As I moved towards the guy in the chair, there was finally enough light to see what was in front of me. The boy came into my vision and I was astonished that the guy sitting there beaten and bruised looked just like me. I didn’t know how to react. I was speechless.
My heart is beating faster than ever. I can’t stop breathing so heavy and my vision feels blurred as a stare at a spittin image of myself. I was so confused at why there was a boy strapped to a chair in a cell that looks just like me. Caroline rushes over to him. She spend a few moments examining him. She finally realized what I saw. She turned and looked back and forth between the two of us multiple times. She finally stopped turning her head and pulled the pocket knife out of her back pocket. She turns around again and looks at my frozen body standing back a few feet and says “Well, are you going to just stand there or are you going to help me unstrap him.” I quickly rush forward and pull out my knife. I began slicing off all of the straps that were binding the boy to the chair. We finish cutting of the straps from around his body when he begins to mumble the softest words.
“Whhh..whhh...where are you taking me?”
I just look down at him still speechless. When have practically the same voice. I help Caroline pull him to his feet when she says to him “Don’t worry, we are going to get you out of …..”  Caroline didn’t finish her sentence before he begins to freak out.
“You can’t keep doing this to me! I’m not doing this! You can make me!” he blurted out loudly. He tried to pull away from us but he was just too weak to do anything. Caroline and I hoisted his arms over our shoulders and began walking forward towards the exit. We headed out to the hallway. As we crossed the threshold of the steel door I can hear him repeating the same three sentences over and over again that he said to us as we pulled him up. After hearing that for the third time, I shut completely down. I couldn’t see, hear, or speak. Then all of the sudden I opened my eyes. I then noticed, that I wasn’t looking through the same eyes as before. I was staring down at the dirty floor. I raised my head to see see that Caroline was yelling at someone. I slightly moved my eyes to see my own body standing there not moving a muscle. I look down again to see that I was in someone else’s body. I was completely covered in bruises and scars and once I had seen that I began to feel excruciatingly sharp pains shoot all throughout my body. I continue to feel it happen over and over again. Everything ached and I had never felt so weak. I am dehydrated and I began to not be able to see straight. I shut my eyes and I felt my normal body regain all of its functions. I could hear Caroline screaming at me that we have to move quickly. I began to move again as I should. We moved towards the exit and the bright light of the hall.

The author's comments:

This piece is a part of a story I have been working but is only one section of it. I wanted to see what people think. The story is about a boy named Marcus who turned 18 and began to feel new and unusual changes. He has begun to have visions see things not from his own body. 


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