The Monstrosity | Teen Ink

The Monstrosity

March 8, 2015
By Shirts BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Shirts BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The monstrous man stood next to the Redwoods towering over them. His face was grotesque and his teeth were mangled. His feet were thick and bulky, and could  take out a fifty story building with one step. The lumbering way he walked made him look like a tremendously ugly duck. He made small children shed tears with just a glimpse of him. This monstrosity was out for blood, and nothing was going to stop his destruction, until he got various victims.
The giant broke into a trudging jog and with every step he covered a mile, and everyone sprinted away.  Adults started shedding tears, children hid, and dogs howled at this beastly figure.  He caused a catastrophe with every step he took. He knocked flying cars out of the sky, and threw them at filthy factories.  He had an object in his line of vision that he was out to get, and he was not going to give up because a building stood in his way.  With every step a  new building was knocked down and shattered into billions of pieces.  He had knocked down so  many buildings that rubble filled the roads. He broke into a stumbling sprint.  He grabbed a dog that he almost had into his mouth, but then he  fell with an earthquake of a thud.  The dog was squashed with a bone crunching sound and then the people’s shoes were filled with water.
At that time the giant no longer remained in the state of California he was in the four states of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, or better known as the Four Corners.  Tears streamed out of the giant’s eyes, that flooded the streets and the ground with salty water.  Each person darted in different directions trying to find a ship or boat of some sort.  People ran in circles like they were chickens with their heads cut off.  Nothing was going to stop this giant from crying, something had upset him, but no one knew what had caused such a ruckus.  The cities  were all experiencing a catastrophic flash flood. The streets were overcrowded with cars and people. 
The streets were so flooded with rushing water that people were floating down in the swift water.  These cities had thought they were invincible in the year of 2123 but Mother Nature had obviously proven them wrong.  The only people who escaped were those with flying cars, and not many people had them.  The water covered  one hundred story buildings, and  thousands of tourists and local people had drowned and been taken away with the undertow.  The giant was still on the ground blubbering about something. No one knew what had caused him to cry, just that he would not stop.  The four corners had now turned into the City of Tears.
This city sat still under the deep water waiting for the day that the giant would stop crying. Some buildings were still intact some were complete rubble. The flood had gone so far that the monstrous tears had flooded into the ocean. All living things in this city had died, and the city settled into the water.

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