The Market Rebels | Teen Ink

The Market Rebels

March 12, 2015
By Anonymous

A long, long, loooooong time ago, this world was very different. Imagine earth the size of Jupiter. Now imagine it as an spherical building with three levels. On these three levels you could find the most magical of creatures. There were dragons  and hippogriffs and wizards and witches. There were mermaids and elves and little tiny Imps.

This old world, named Bellum Orbis Terrarum, was here before anything else, before any of you Young Ones existed. You should have seen it, the stars, and the moon and the sun were so close to us. It was beautiful. But sadly it was also very prejudiced. Anyone interacting with different species was automaticaly cast off. No one would acknowledge their presence. But somewhere to the North of the Incantrix kingdom, a group of raggedy outlaws lies in wait of the fall of the gorgeous queen of  Bellum.

“Oi! What in the name of inferni are you doing? Stick to the plan, you bardos!” yelled Isany from across the street. We were perched on the roofs of the houses above the market- well, she was, at least. I had hooked my toes on the edge and was dangling down to grab a watermelon. Aaaaand…. Success! I pulled myself back up and jumped from house to house, all the way down to the next street, right next to the canal.

I looked down, into the water and whistled. A head pops out and I throw down the fruit. Mali quickly catches it in her net and swims off. I grin as Volare flies over me, carrying a crate of chickens. For someone who was only 5 feet, she’s incredibly strong.

I hopped over a couple of houses and landed right over a magic item store. “Volare would really like one of those for her birthday. I hope.” I thought. I slid down the roof, and tumbled to the ground. 

“‘Scuse me but what is this?” I asked the clerk,pointing at a bottle with swirly green gas in it.
- “Oh Deus! Don’t touch that! It’s a highly experimental version of dragon fire. One wrong move and we’ll all be calamistratum.”
Suddenly someone screams outside and I startle. The dragon fire flies out of my hands. Both me and the vendor lunge for it. I grabbed it and jump back,before we collide, unscathed. I couldn’t say the same for the vendor. His head hits the floor with a loud thump. I cringe. Ouch… that one’s gonna hurt. I quickly check his pulse. Okay, good he’s alive, no harm done. I look at the register, then back at the bottle of dragon fire.

Meh. He’ll just be happy he’s alive. Time to go. Another scream echoes down the streets. Someone’s discovered their missing jewels…. I catch a glimpse of Isany booking it down the street, three guards on her tail. I start laughing… and then the dragon fire vendor comes out of his shop yelling bloody murder. I grab the edge of a roof and pull myself up. I whistle and wait. Some guards come running down to the vendor, and he points up on the roof. I grab my mask from my belt and put it on. If they get our faces, there’s no way we’ll ever be able to come  back.The guards yell out some threats and I wave happily. One pulls out his crossbow and takes aim, just as I’m swooped up in the air by griffin.

- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I scream. The guards laugh and point. I grab on to one o the griffins claws and hold on for dear life. Slowly, once we reach the other side of the city, he lowers me down onto a roof, then settles down next to me. I giggle a little bit.

Stupid guards. Every band of outlaws has at least one form of air transportation. Ours is just a little more alive than others.I pet him. crooning.

-Who’s a good griffin? You are, yes you are!

He squaks and shakes out his feathers as I climb on his back. A whistle sounds out fom the west of the market.

-Ready to go save the day again boy?

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