The Chase | Teen Ink

The Chase

March 4, 2015
By krazytwig16 BRONZE, Show Low, Arizona
krazytwig16 BRONZE, Show Low, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do or do not, there is never try

The red number flashed 103, the engine roars, and the lights went on. Officer Allen drove with great precision and integrity. He went after the speeding car with wheels blazing. He looked in front of him and found the speeding Corvette. He thought that it was a very fast car, but he didn’t fret. He was driving the department’s new dodge charger and had enough horsepower to chase him down. After 5 minutes, Officer Allen grabs the radio and asks for backup. He is told that car 3 and 7 are in route to his location. After 3 minutes car 7 joins in behind him, 4 minutes after that car 3 joins. Officer Allen then gets on his intercom mic and tells the Corvette to pull over immediately. The speeder did not listen and increased his speed, so Officer Allen comes in for a pit maneuver. He pushes the rear driver’s side of the car towards the right side of the road. The maneuver is very successful, but the speeder slips in-between the other police cars and takes off in the other direction. Officer Allen completes a J-turn and takes off after him.
A police helicopter now enters the scene and informs the officers that the suspect is going east on Highway 28. Officer Allen takes off in that direction with very high speeds. He catches up to the suspect and again engages in a pit maneuver. This one was very successful and pushes the suspect off the road. The other officers behind Officer Allen pull in and box the car off. The suspect still doesn’t give up; he gets out of the car and runs into the woods, Officer Allen and another officer sprint after him. The suspect runs until finding a dense part of the forest and then hides in it. Officer Allen stops when he finds that the man has disappeared. He and the officer sweep the area but cannot find the suspect. Officer Allen then has the other officer call in for a K-9. He and the other officer stay on the watch for the suspect while they wait for the K-9. When the K-9 unit arrives it only takes a couple minutes to find the speeder. The suspect takes off towards the highway, but doesn’t get very far. The K-9 is released and takes the man to the ground. Officer Allen puts the man in handcuffs and starts to walk back to his car.
He reads the man his rights, and then puts him in the back of his car. He then calls impound to come and pick up the Corvette, after this he drives to the police station. When he arrives at the station, he takes the speeder out of the car and brings him in. He takes the suspect to the jail cell and inputs the speeders info into the computer. After running the suspect’s fingerprints, Officer Allen finds that the suspect is the leader of a gang in the area. He is wanted for street racing, possession, and distribution of an illegal substance. Officer Allen then goes to the chief’s office and informs him of everything he knows. The chief tells him that he will handle all of this and has Officer Allen go back on patrol. Officer Allen then heads back to his car, but turns back when he remembers that there is fresh coffee in the break room. After getting coffee he gets in his car and resumes his patrol.

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