A Circus | Teen Ink

A Circus

March 6, 2015
By Chud4Lyfe BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Chud4Lyfe BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you love what you do you will never work a day of your life"
"c'est la vie"

I'll never forget the one time I went to see the circus with my father. It's like how your mother teaches you to say please and thank you once you have learned to do so, it never leaves you. Well for me, my father taught me to love and enjoy the circus. One day he came home early and surprised my mother with tickets to the big Dudley brother’s theater production. Scared to try new things, I was skeptical and shy but my brother was foolish and outgoing. He would say yes to anything offered to him. And on that day, he was bouncing up and down and side to side for this rare family trip. One day he almost dropped out of school because he was bored of it. I was always worrying and thinking of all the possible outcomes before making any decisions. I need to analyze each path of action and then rank them in order of how much I want to do them. I would get so caught up in ranking them that I would have to start over more times than not. My father thought I would spend more time tripping on my thoughts then carrying them out. I wonder if that's why we went on a trip to the circus so suddenly. Anyways there was no point of arguing with my father when he was all prepared and smiley like this so I trudged along following with my eyes on my father's footsteps but my mind was wandering elsewhere. In retrospect I am grateful that my father took me and my brother on this trip. The people were unique and everyone has their own act. But it wasn't just people, there were elephants bouncing on the smallest of all balls and rolling about. There were cats pouncing on tightropes doing flips and trainers held their heads in mouths of lions and tigers. The crowd would shiver when the mighty beasts would convincingly begin to shut their jaws or roar. But they would never bite down. Men on stilts were so tall that when you looked up you could see more stilt and you would look up again and find that it wasn’t men on top of those towers but crocodiles. Seals would juggle and play pranks on visitors. Snakes would dance to the snake charmers lullabies. Trapeze artists would never set foot on the ground. All of them were wearing colors of brightness. Seals wore orange. the crocodiles wore pink. The snakes were red. And the people! The people were rainbows without an ounce of face showing underneath their make-up. Their hair was large and bouncy and their noses distinctively red. At the end of the day, I left worry free and ever since then I would ask my father when we would go back, but I would find out that the government shutdown the circus. A separate entity from the people that was supposed to be for the people had stepped in. Ivory was high in demand so the government looked at elephants with dollar symbols in their eyes. There were not enough elephants for circuses anymore.

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