The Asylum | Teen Ink

The Asylum

January 12, 2015
By Jarrett Drileck BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Jarrett Drileck BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Evan Bonsai, a twenty something year old man, who has light blond hair, blue eyes, and wears black  glasses, steps out of the News 8 van that has the logo (a cheetah running surrounded by gold stars.) Jarrett Coulson (that’s me), has brown hair, blue eyes, and a black goatee. Most of the time I wear a white button up shirt, and sometimes a gray overcoat, I’m not exactly stylish.

Evan walks to the trunk and picks up his camera gear including an over the back commercial video camera, an extra pack of D batteries, and a pack of flashlights in case the lighting is off. I take the expensive, high quality microphone out of the case it rests in when not in use on-the-scene or on rare occasion the studio.

With a deep breath Evan says, “Let’s go on in.” Evan looks extremely nervous; it’s probably because we are about to enter the Enium asylum, the number one asylum in town. We are here to check if this asylum is still on top of the ratings, and for an advertisement live to promote the asylum for the people who are either criminally insane or have just lost it.

  Ding! Dong! We ring the, bell and wait about thirty seconds before Luke Nalatoid answered the door. “You must be Luke, I’m Jarrett we talked on the phone,” I say while shaking his hand.
“Indeed, I am, “Luke says with a smile not quite sincere but certainly trying to be nice. He probably doesn’t see many people who aren’t insane. He is short and wearing a black turtle neck and dark purple sweatpants. He looks to be about 45 and has red hair. “Yes come in, come in. Come rate our amazing asylum,” Luke says in a mock friendly voice.

I have a feeling that there is something else going on here; more than what we are seeing on the surface. I want to check it out; this could be my big break. Unfortunately Evan didn’t want to go in, he took a bit of convincing, but eventually I got him to come in.

“Let me take you to my office where we can discuss the plans for your review,” Luke says in a gravelly voice. He leads us into an office in the middle of the prison like complex. His office is clean and tidy; an obvious sign he has cleaned just for this occasion. We have to factor this into our rating. “So, let’s start….”

The ground starts to rumble, and the lights flicker; a storm brews outside the window. “Don’t worry, these windows and doors are industrial strength nothing can break through them,” Luke says casually.

“Anyway, let’s get out of this office,” I yell over the ground vibrating. We run out of the office, and the door closes behind us. The lights flicker for a couple of seconds, but then go out.

“Now we have you trapped, all the doors have automatic locks, as do the windows. You are stuck in here, with us,” Luke says with an emphasis on us. “And by us I mean: all of us “crazy” ones. The power is out, nothing can help you escape.

Deathly pale, zombie looking men and women walk and crawl from the shadows. The snarling look on their face doesn’t look like they just want to talk. The look in their eyes is bloodlust, the will to kill us. One man runs from the shadows and grabs Evan and I’s hands and runs into the part of the darkness that no creeps inhabit.
He is about my height, 5 feet, 10 inches, but I can hardly tell from the way we are running. He has short cut light blond hair, and a round face with blue eyes that plead for escape from what I have no idea. His name is James Almogo. I remember him from the papers, he killed his entire family.

“I see that look in your eyes, I didn’t kill my family, I was framed!” I can tell he really means it (I have skills to recognize if people are telling the truth.) “Let’s keep running; I know a way to escape!”
The door he leads us to is locked, like all the other doors. The door is hideously covered in hand prints in blood and just dried blood on to door frame. On a sign off to the side it reads, “Inmate’s Quarters.” “Aren’t we supposed to run away from the creeps!, I yell.
“It’s the only way,” James yells as he pulls a strange looking device from his pockets and attaches it to the door frame. “Fire!’ He screams loudly. The small device releases a high-pitched sound that hurts my ears. It also gives out a small shock, and I can see the door move. It is now unlocked.
  We all run through the door without single word. Blood is all over the room. The next door resists his machine, so we have to run in a different direction.
“We have to go to the power room to turn on the power, that will help!” Evan yells in a hurry
“We need D batteries, that will keep the power on for just long enough to get out, then the creeps will be stuck in there where they can’t harm us.” James says with a gasp. WE arrive in the room. It is pitch black; who knows what is lurking in the dark. We turn on our flashlights, so we can see.
“There it is” I yell. A slot the size of a D battery to turn on the power is on the left wall. A creep sneaks up behind us, and moans. Evan turns around and pulls the microphone from his belt and smashes it into the creep’s head. Unfortunately, the creep shuffles and grabs Evan’s foot and pulls him into the shadow’s within.
“aaaghagggggggghhhhhh,” Evan shrieks as the creeps rip his face from his skull and disembodies him in every direction. Blood is everywhere. The D batteries roll out of the shadows and I pick them up and toss them to James.
Luke emerges from the shadows with blood flowing from his lip onto his chin and eventually to the floor. “Are you ready to join us… Forever!!!?”

“For Evan!” I yell as I charge toward him and slam him into the wall. His back breaks. His neck breaks. His left arm breaks. His appendix bursts from within him and he ccollapse to the floor. Dead or alive, I don’t know.
“Let’s run,” James yells “I already put the batteries in; we have just a couple seconds!” We start to sprint through the hallways to the front door. James falls to the ground, for the creeps grabbed his ankle and pulled him to the ground. “ Just  keep going!” I jump on the creep and club him in the back of the head. It sinks to the ground. James gets up and thanks me.

The door starts to close! We continue to sprint, we’re going to make it. A creep jumps from the shadows and bites James’ ear, he falls to the ground. The creep quickly crushes his windpipe and begins to eat him. There is nothing I can do to help him now. I continue to run.

“Yes!” I holler as I cross through the door way and it closes behind me. The creeps cannot get out.
“Oh, no…” Creeps have already made it out. They beat me out. The pale figures crawl and stagger across the street. I have to sneak home and hope they don’t find me. At my house I have a doomsday bunker where 3 years of food and water are stashed along with weapons.

Beep, Beep, Beep! I whipped out my phone to call my wife, mainly to warn her and tell her I am coming home. I tell her the story, and she gasps in amazement.

“ Ahhhhh, Help!” She hollers. I hear a growling in the backround, and I know the creeps have gotten to my house.
And the line went dead
And the line went dead.
  It’s too late the creeps have gotten everyone. The blood is pooled in every crevasse of the street. I start to run, but they surround me. I feel three hands on my ankles and one on the back of my skull. They pull me into the shadows.

  Now imagine the worst bloody death you can think of. Multiply that amount by about 20.  Then you have a small image of my death.

I am now just a thought in the oblivion of life. I do not exist.  I am dead.

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