The Choice | Teen Ink

The Choice

January 12, 2015
By Dalton Zelenka BRONZE, Milligan, Nebraska
Dalton Zelenka BRONZE, Milligan, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the bright, golden sun rose over the mountain range Luke thought to himself what did I get myself into this time. Once the whole sun came out he knew it would be warm enough to start moving again. He quickly got out of his tent and brushed the freshly powdered snow off the top. As he stuffed his bulky tent into his backpack with his other belongings, he looked around the campsite hoping not to leave any footprints or evidence behind. Once he was finished scanning the area he started walking up the rocky mountain top and has soon as he started his mind quickly flashed back to the moment when his adventure started.

That foggy morning started like any other with his alarm clock blaring in his ears. As Luke picked himself up and out of bed he slowly mosied over to his closet and put on his dirty work clothes to get ready for the grueling day ahead. Once he was dressed he kissed his wife and his two twins, Xavier and Addeline, and then headed out the door to his job.

Luke’s job was to sit in a dump truck and hauled cement blocks for eight hours a day,six days a week. He often day dreamed about different ways of making money for his struggling family. He knew he wasn’t a criminal but the first thought that always popped into his head was robbing a bank. He obviously never wanted to do that but if he ever had the opportunity he would. As he was driving back to the shop he decided today he would walk back to the shop to get a little more exercise and he left his truck behind. When Luke walked into the office the only thing on his mind was being at home and relaxing with his family. As soon as he walked through the door he had a weird feeling that something bad was going to happen. He filled out his time sheet like he did every week adding ten extra minutes to the end hoping to get a little more cash. Nobody was ever in the office when he was filling out his time sheet because there was only one other worker at that time of day and that was Ben who worked in the dynamite section which was in a different office.

As he drove home he would often take his time because that was his, “me time.”  Once he parked his rusty truck with a few white patches in the garage he walked into his house which had a noise that sounded like a baby whale calling for its mother. As soon as he closed the door the whale calling stopped and four little feet pounded the ground coming closer and closer to him. Little Xavier and Addeline peered around the corner and once they seen who was at the door they started screaming, “papa! papa!” After Sharon, his wife, heard those two words she jumped off the coach, spun around the corner, and at the same time all three of them jumped into his arms.
Luke who was confused at the time asked “Why are you all screaming?”

Sharon who was sobbing replied “There was an explosion at the quarry and they said your truck was blown up with you inside. They also said Ben was in the accident.”

Luke didn’t reply he just kissed his wife and kids and slowly walked to bed with a huge smile on his face.
That next morning he did not hear his annoying alarm clock he got up out of bed, put on his dirty work clothes and packed a camping bag with clothes and supplies to live on his own for at least a month. When he was ready to leave he kissed his wife and kids and left them a note saying he loved them and not to worry. He wrote don’t let any body know that he is still alive, he will be dropping by one more time before he leaves for awhile.
As he strolled into the bank he was wearing a black ski mask and around his waist was his kids play-doo formed to look like C-4 with wires connecting them to nothing, and in his left hand he held a water gun that was replicated to look like a pistol. Luke didn’t even own a gun because he did not believe in violence and the only reason he thought he knew how to rob a bank was because of watching old television shows. He casually walked in and he didn’t say a word, but once everybody seen him and what he was wearing everybody dropped to their knees and put their hands over their head. As he walked up to the cashier he had the water gun in one hand and a note in the his other. He handed her the note that said, “I don’t want to harm anybody so just put the money in the bag.” As she started to make the exchange he looked around and noticed that there were two cops just across the street writing a parking ticket. He didn’t want to say anything so they wouldn’t recognize his scratchy voice but he had to get her moving faster somehow so he could get out of there. After she put the last rolls of hundreds in he grabbed the bag and sprinted for his truck which was behind the bank. As he rounded the corner the alarms sounded and the two policemen writing the ticket ran to the bank to see what all the commotion was about. Once he reached his truck he tossed the hefty bag of money in the back with the water gun, ski mask, and the play-do which was melted by that time. As he sped off he didn’t notice that in his rear view mirror he was leaving a trail of rust.

He pulled up to his house and parked the rusty truck in the alley, grabbed the bag of money, hopped the small white picket fence, and ran inside. When he got inside Sharon met him in the kitchen not knowing what was going on. As he tried to explain everything she started to cry knowing what was going to happen. Luke handed her the money kissed her and told her he would be back in a month and to tell the kids that he loved them and not to worry. He also told her that he didn’t for them and their lives were going to get a whole lot better.
As Luke loaded up his truck with his equipment he started to hear the piercing sound of a siren that was getting closer and closer. He hurried up and through the rest of his equipment in the back and took off for the mountains just a little over four miles away. Luke still didn’t look behind him because he was focused on what was ahead but if he knew that he was leading the cops directly to him he would of stopped and made a run for it.

Luke could still hear voices and dogs barking as he walked across the slick mountain tops and he knew that the cops were closing in on him. He thought at this point in time he would of been much further ahead of them but his equipment kept weighing him down and plus the rust lead them right to him. As Luke was thinking about how his adventure started he stepped on a rock that gave away and he tumbled down the side of the mountain. Once he landed he felt a sharp pain in his right leg and looked down to see his bloody leg snapped in half. While he laid there Luke couldn’t take the pain so he started to yell for the cops to come and help him. As the cops came over they told him to roll over on to his belly and put his hands on his head. While laying face down in fresh snow Luke didn’t feel cold he surprisingly felt warm inside like he was wrapped in a blanket. As Luke watched the cops run toward him he blacked out because of all the pain in his leg.

When Luke woke up he was in a dark room and there was a good smelling aroma coming from the other side of the door. He sat up in the bed and pulled the covers off his legs to find that their was nothing wrong with them. Just then from somewhere to the right of him was a familiar sound, his annoying alarm clock. Luke then realized the whole thing was just a dream and he didn’t rob the bank. As Sharon came in with his favorite breakfast Luke jumped up and gave her hug almost knocking the food out of her hands. Luke then ran to his kids and gave them kisses and hugs.


The next day when Luke went back to work he was surprised when he got a huge promotion. Luke is now happy to go to work because he his new job is in the office of the quarry and he is making more money and working less hours. Where Luke used to work was in a very dangerous environment which is now being sued by the government for cutting corners in making it safer. Luke can now go home earlier every day and spend more time with his wife and kids.

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