Brothers in Arms | Teen Ink

Brothers in Arms

January 11, 2015
By McLovin.__ BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
McLovin.__ BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela

Part one

Why am I still apart of this gang? I never wanted to be in it in the first place. My brother, Yuudai, brought me in about two years ago. I guess all I really want is for him to be proud of me. We’re a part of this gang called the Yakuza. It seemed fun to be in at first, but then I realized that the consequences are extreme.

Yuudai and I grew up alone in Chinatown, Los Angeles. Our parents died walking back from buying groceries. They were hit by a drunk driver. What’s worse is that they never caught the guy who did it. He drove away before the police were able to arrive.

It’s scary living the way that we do. We’re constantly doing things for Kodama, our gang's leader. Nothing is ever enough for him. Last year, on my fifteenth birthday, I had to go do a drug raid which meant I had to steal a bunch of Meth from our rival gangs. It was extremely dangerous. Yuudai was shot twice. Fortunately they were only flesh wounds. I was left untouched.

Tomorrow is Yuudai's birthday. He’s turning twenty-one, so I got him his favorite vodka, Grey Goose.

                      Part two

Before I could give Yuudai his gift, I noticed that he wasn't home. I decided that I would go to the park for a smoke and maybe he'd be back later, but there was a note on the door. It read, "Osamu, meet me at the train station when you wake up." that took me by surprise. He usually only leaves notes if it's urgent.

So I meet Yuudai at the train station and he tells me, "Kodama wants us to meet with some guys at an abandoned warehouse." we both agreed that it sounded suspicious but we have to do it, otherwise we both have to cut off the tip of our pinky as an act of apology.

Going to this warehouse, I know we have each other's back. When we finally meet these guys, they pull out their pistols on us. I automatically knew what this was about. These are the guys we raided drugs from, and the text Yuudai received was from them, not Kodama.

They’re telling us that we're going to pay for what we did and it won't be painless. Yuudai and I are zip tied by our hands and then separated. I fear what they're going to do to us. An ample and muscular guy takes me to a room and then locks me in by myself.

Part three

The anxiety of waiting starts to freak me out and I can't breathe. I manage to slip my hand out of the zip tie but not without cutting myself. The cut is excruciating but I fight through the pain. I then pick the lock with the tie and peek out the door to see if anyone's there. It’s empty. Before I do anything, I need to find my brother first.

I check up and down hallways, in and outside of rooms. There’s no sign of anyone. There’s just one place left to check, outside at the grave yard.

Just as I thought, there are about eight guys surrounding Yuudai. I can't see his face but I notice that he's on his knees. There’s blood, and lots of it. When some of the guys finally move, I could see his face. It’s like a horror film. His face is swollen, purple, and beaten in. his eyes are almost bruised shut. I can't lose Yuudai; he's the only family I have left.

I see the other gang's leader pull out a gun and aim it at Yuudai’s head. I can't control myself. I scream at the top of my lungs, "NO!" I managed to get their attention and save Yuudai, but I now have a bigger problem. They’re all chasing after me.

I bob and weave in and out of rooms, up and down stairs. After ten minutes, I lose them. I'm exhausted and out of breath. I return to Yuudai. My plan is to try and carry him out of here before they notice, but that's going to be hard.

Part four

I somehow managed to find the strength to pick up Yuudai and start walking, but I feel light headed and dehydrated. I end up getting lost in this warehouse and start going in circles. I decided that I need to find a room to hide in with my brother and regain my energy.

I find a room and rest for about five minutes, but I hear voices coming down the hall. I panic and become as quiet as I possibly can. I hear the voices outside the doors and of course, I feel the need to cough. I manage to keep it in and the voices subside going down the hall.

I now have regained my energy and start to pick up Yuudai. He tries to say my name, Osamu, but I tell him to shut up and that we're going to make it out alive. So I pick him up and we make it to the car. I race down the road on my way to the hospital.

We make it to the ER and Yuudai is immediately taken into surgery. With all that has happened today, I step outside to smoke a cigarette. As I turn the corner to the side of the hospital, my head walks into a cold piece of metal. Before I know it, I hear a loud bang, and everything fades to black.

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