Savages | Teen Ink


December 5, 2014
By elite_darkness BRONZE, Dalton, Georgia
elite_darkness BRONZE, Dalton, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”
It was like a spreading fire, and I to be the one who put it out.That was until now.It, was a never ending chaos that errupted around 14 years ago.Before all the bullets and blood shed.A little girl stood on her tip-toes , staring at the sky,curious to know everything, She closed her eyes,scrunched her nose , and crossed her fingers as she wished. “I want to see the world.”

The author's comments:

This is not my story but my friend did not want to publish on her so she let if you want more of this story then just say your interested 

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