Aaron's Forest Adventure | Teen Ink

Aaron's Forest Adventure

November 7, 2014
By Anthony Choi BRONZE, San Jose, California
Anthony Choi BRONZE, San Jose, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a 14-years old teenage boy called Aaron who always had a special hobby, which was camping. He was always a big fan of camping himself alone in a wild and most of the time, which he enjoyed it a lot. And now, he was planning for another camping trip.
                      One day, Aaron was preparing for his camping trip alone since it was his hobby. He said, “This is going to be a such a beautiful camping trip! I can’t wait ‘till I get there!”. And later on, since he didn’t have enough time to spend time at home, he hurried to the train and got in on time.
                 When he arrived on the camping place, everything he saw was unusual. Hundred percentage of being forest, the forest was foggy, moist, and with extremely hot temperature, maybe over 92 degrees Fahrenheit. And when he was walking through the forest, he lost his way and starting to get messed up so much that it was so hard to find the path to go back. But fortunately, since he brought all of his material for camping, the located tent on the ground, with some foods and drinks as a ration.
              While he was walking, he saw variety of plants and animals even though he was just walking and hanging around the forest. But then this made Aaron to feel impressed even though this was just a regular forest but just little different from other forests. “This is going to be an best camping ever I had in my life!”, Aaron exclaimed.
                    Well, that happiness didn’t last forever. While he was sleeping he saw an enormously gigantic bear demolishing his essentials like tents and his clothes. “What is going on? This shouldn’t be going like this! What a ridiculous disaster!”, Aaron screams. Now, only thing that Aaron had was his backpack filled with rations and sleeping bag. And only idea he can do it right now was just to walk around to find the way to figure out where is the path for exit.
                After several hours later, he finally figured out a way to get out from this eerie forest. The way was to use his compass as he had one on his backpack. And later on, he exited the forest and found train station to get his train to go back to his home. But when he got on the train, the time was 2 A.M midnight.
              When he came back to his home, he murmured, “This was a horrible camping. Never going back to that place again and I am going to do other activity except camping,”. And few months later, he never went camping.

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