The Parachute | Teen Ink

The Parachute

October 30, 2014
By EdwardKovalenko BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
EdwardKovalenko BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trying his hardest to overcome his fear, he closed his eyes and jumped. Then Jacob tried to pull the parachute cord. Stuck. With a racing heart and only 500 yards till he reached Earth Jacob said a quick prayer to heaven hoping that would do something. He was flying towards the Earth to certain death. “God help!”” he cried…

    Just three hours earlier... “I am so happy we got first class tickets,” said Kylie who was Jacob’s best friend. Kyle is a freshman in high school. She is a beautiful girl with long brown hair and with a perfect skin tan. Kyly is about five foot four and very well mannered.

“Me too, Africa was a lot of fun,” Jacob responded. Jacob is a freshman boy that has short blond hair and well built muscles. Jacob is about five foot eleven. He is a very caring and smart boy.

“Yes. It was a great vacation, but I am kind of homesick,” answered Kylie.

    It was a beautiful sunny morning. The fluffy clouds were scattered across the bright green-blue sky. It was about ten o'clock when they saw a graceful group of geese flying above them. They looked beautiful. All of the sudden they heard a gunshot! At first they thought it was shot at them but then they figured out that it was shot at the geese. They saw the dead creature flying straight at them. It fell right into the airplanes propeller. The goose was chopped up into a million pieces, faster than Jacob could blink.

All of the sudden the airplane went out of control. “Evacuate the aircraft. Your parachutes will be at your left,” said the captain on the intercom.

    “How can this be happening,” yelled Kylie over the wailing of the propeller.

“I don’t know, but we have to jump now,” said Jacob.

“Jump, jump now!” they heard someone say. Overcoming their fear, they jumped with parachutes. Three seconds later the airplane blew up with everyone in it.

    Jacob and Kylie were now flying down towards the earth. Kylie was the first one to pull the cord. “What a relief,” though Kylie, but then she saw Jacob… He was screaming trying to pull his cord but his parachute wasn’t opening. “Oh no,” she thought…

    Jacob’s mind was racing, his whole life flashed in front of his eyes in less than two seconds. He made a quick prayer and closed his eyes. All of the sudden it hit him… Not the ground or a tree, an idea. What if he opened the parachute backpack and took out the parachute and held on to it with his hands? He quickly grabbed his pocket knife and cut open the backpack. Inside he found the parachute, he quickly cut the ropes that were connecting the parachute with the backpack and threw the backpack away. He tied the ropes around his hands and released the parachute. At first nothing happened but then he felt himself slowing down. “Hallelujah,” he cried. He slowly flouted down to the safety of the ground.

    When Kylie saw him land she was so happy she ran to him and broke down into tears of joy. From shock Jacob couldn’t speak. Only tears of relief rolled down his cheeks.

    “Where are we?” asked Jacob after he calmed down.

“I have no idea, but I saw a village up north. It looks about 20 miles away.”

“Let’s go,” said Jacob and they started off.

    Seven hours later Jacob and Kylie arrived at the village. At first they were totally lost because they didn't speak African, but then they found a person that spoke very bad English but that was good enough. They were told that there is a city with an airport just fourteen miles away. They walked all the way to the airport and the next thing they knew they were on their way home.

Four days later Jacob was sitting in his room writing a story for his English teacher about his trip. He will never forget that moment when he tried to pull the cord. It will always be the one experience he will never forget.

The author's comments:

I just had to do this for English class but it turned out to be fun.

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