A Drip on a Trip | Teen Ink

A Drip on a Trip

November 2, 2014
By Johnene Mihaiuc BRONZE, Washougal, Washington
Johnene Mihaiuc BRONZE, Washougal, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What are we going to do?” Sarah asked her friend as their small boat’s engine began to make weird noises. Jamie shrugged, though she was panicking inside. Watching the boat die completely, the teens didn’t look up at the swirling mass of dark clouds and barely heard the thunder rumbling in the distance. Sarah’s loose blond hair stuck to her back like gum. Jamie’s tight brown hair flopped up and down while she struggled to get the boat to start. The salty ocean air was rocking their boat from side to side making her task impossible. Still looking devastated at the broken boat, it started to rain.
About three hours ago, the sun was shining brightly, turning Jamie’s light brown hair to blond. Sarah, who was a few paces back, bounded forward with her long blond hair flowing after her. It was one of the warmest days in Malibu, California. The two teens had nothing to do that day but sit by the beach. Jamie’s chocolate brown eyes closed with relaxation, but Sarah’s ocean blue eyes sparkled with excitement. “I just got a new power boat,” Sarah began, “we could go on the ocean and snorkel.” Sarah shot off towards her house. Jamie loved to swim, especially when Sarah was around. Without thinking, she bolted after her friend.
Sarah’s small shed was filled dust and the squeaking of little mice. Sarah had already shook off the dust from the red boat when Jamie reached her side. Jamie silently watched her make a plan for the trip on a piece of lined paper. It was going to take four and a half hours. Jamie widened her eyes at the long list of things she needed to bring. “Are you sure we aren’t going to sink with all of those supplies?”
Sarah scoffed “ha ha ha, we are not going to sink!” Jamie shrugged. They hauled the boat onto the sand and began to drag it towards the water.
“Splash!”  The boat slid into the water and they both hopped in. Speeding across the bumpy ocean, the salty air chilled Jamie to the bone. They barely made it to their spot when the boat began to slow down.
“What happened?” Jamie said.
“Don’t look at me,” Sarah replied, “I didn’t do anything!” Peering down into the water, it was the engine. “What are we going to do?” Sarah asked her friend as their small boat’s engine began to make weird noises. Jamie shrugged, though she was panicking inside.Watching the boat die completely, the teens didn’t look up at the swirling mass of dark clouds and barely even heard the thunder rumbling in the distance. Sarah’s loose blond hair stuck to her back like gum and Jamie’s tight brown braid flopped up and down while she struggled to get the boat to start. The salty ocean air was rocking their boat from side to side making her task impossible. Still looking devastated at the broken boat, it started to rain.
Sarah was the first to notice the rain, and it started to get worse and worse. Roaring waves began to rise from the water, pushing the boat from side to side. It lasted for a little while, but that’s when the arguing started.
“Why did you persuade me to go with you?” yelled Jamie. “We are never going to get out!”
Sarah, who was sitting quiet in a corner suddenly burst out “You didn’t have to come!” Sarah spat, “and we are going to get out!” Sarah sat back down.
“Let’s see that!” Jamie hissed through clenched teeth. Since Sarah refused to talk, Jamie took charge. Her idea was to let the wind take them and see where that lead. Instantly, Sarah jumped to her feet in protest.
“No! We are going to paddle!” she said, spitting more venom at Jamie. Their argument lasted for a while longer, not noticing a big wave coming towards their small boat. The wave washed over their boat and was completely gone for a period of ten seconds.
When Jamie resurfaced, she realized Sarah was nowhere to be found! She waited and called out her name, but she never came up to the surface. “Sarah noooooooo!” she yelled. She was under the waves and would never reach the surface. Sarah was gone. Tears streamed down her tan face when suddenly she realized that the second part of the storm changed direction. It was clear, and she could faintly see the beaches of Malibu.
Jamie sat waiting another few minutes, waiting for her friend to appear from the water. Sadly, nothing but the steady waves lapping on the edge of her Sarah’s red boat. Rapidly paddling back to shore, eager to get home, Jamie couldn’t believe her best friend was gone. All of the fun times they had together, all of the laughs, cries, struggles, they were all gone, and the last thing they did was argue.
In the end, Jamie did make it home, tired, sore, hungry, and mostly upset at the loss of her friend. It was unbearable to see the sad look on Sarah’s mom’s face. Sarah’s face was all she saw in her many dreams. Sarah’s bright blue eyes always full of excitement and adventure, her long blond hair always in loose and flowing in the breeze, and mostly her smile that she never stopped using. She would never forget how much they had been through. They have known each other for seven years, and all of those memories were gone. Although it hurt, life must go on without Sarah.

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