The Mafia | Teen Ink

The Mafia

October 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Hey, my name is Chris. Me and my three other friends Dwayne, Bruce, and Wyatt are all part of a mafia. Our mafia is called Brotherhood. It’s called that because we take care of each other like were brothers. We have only one rule. That one rule is that Violence is always the answer. Right now we are on the look for a guy by the name of James. Our boss sent us out here to look for James, because he gave some information to the wrong people. My friends always judge me because when it comes to violence I get a little too crazy. But I would say there wrong. Anyways we drove around looking for him. When we thought we weren’t going to find him, we seen him stepping out of a small business bureau. We sluggishly trailed him in our car. When he walked around the corner, he turned in to an alley way. At that time we came to a sudden stop. I got out of the car with a bat in my right hand. Dwayne rolled down the window and said
“Please try not to kill the guy”.
I replied” I’ll try my best not too”.
I stalked James into the dark. After a few seconds of stalking behind him I yelled.
“Hey James”.
He replied “Hey Chris, what’s up”.
I said “Nothing I just wanted you to see my new bat”.
Then with all my force I swung the bat right at his head. When the bat made contact with his head an adrenaline rush pumped through my veins. Blood splattered all over my face. It felt good when I heard the cracking of his skull. James fell to the ground. I don’t know if he was dead or not but I kept pounding his face into the asphalt with the aluminum bat. When I was done there was a limp body on the ground lying in a puddle of blood. When my adrenaline rush was over, I walked back to the car Dwayne said
“Chris I would say you have issues but that was kind of cool”.
I replied “Yeah It was pretty fun”.
Later That night we were chilling at my House when we heard a pounding on the door. I knew exactly who it was. It was the police. They were going to try to arrest me for the murder of James. Right as the door busted down I jumped up and threw my knife right at the first police’s neck. When the knife made contact with his neck blood shot out onto the ground. The other cop was shot by Dwayne.
I said “There has to be more cops, I bet there waiting outside right now”.
Wyatt replied “No they only sent two cops I’ll go out there right now and show you”.
Next thing I know Wyatt was stepping outside with an unloaded pistol in his hand. Then he pointed it at least fifteen cops. Then they fired five shots into his body. One in his shoulder. Another in the chest. And the last one I could remember was right in between the eyes. What use to be a good friend was now a soulless body. After standing for a while staring at the dead body we took off for the back door. When we stepped out the door there were five police cars, with police hid behind the doors. Their guns aimed at the three of us. I turned around and ran back into the house. Then I looked for a window on the side of the house. I took off running as fast as I could and dove through the glass window.  Then when I hit the ground I heard two gun shots, and I knew that Dwayne and Bruce were dead. So I ran for my life. I jumped over of plenty of fences. Then I wound up in a ditch full of sewage water. I heard the sirens from the police cars searching for me. Then I ran into the sewage pipes hoping the cops wouldn’t find me. But surely enough when I poked my head out there the police were waiting for me to come out. I completely crawled out and put my hands in the air. I gave up. Now here I sit in prison.

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