Larry The Lax Police Officer | Teen Ink

Larry The Lax Police Officer

May 23, 2014
By Willie Westmoreland BRONZE, Arlington Hts., Illinois
Willie Westmoreland BRONZE, Arlington Hts., Illinois
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Larry Benson is a police officer for the Rolling Meadows Police department. When Larry first joined the police, he thought it would be like being Batman’s sidekick, but he was definitely mistaken. Larry started his career in the police department as a bicycle ticket officer. He got promoted from this job shortly after he started because he gave out a record setting five thousand and forty five parking tickets in only one month! Larry thought this would be the start to a successful action-packed career as a police officer. On October 25th, 1995 he got promoted to park duty; he has been working this job ever since. That cold November morning he woke up, rolled out of his bed that was far too small for him, and drove his police cruiser, (a diesel truck with a wood chipper towed behind it) to the Willie Bottom memorial park, which he will be patrolling today.

At the park Larry slowly opens the front driver side door and it squeaks at a high pitch like a dog whistle. He takes out his lunch box and his poorly made radio, which he has to keep an antenna with it to have any chance of getting a signal. He finally makes his trek up the 100 foot paved drive to the pavilion with picnic tables. The one made of aluminum is his favorite because Larry is a clean freak and he would know if there was any mess on the table. Larry sits down and eats his peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread, which he despises. After this Larry walks around the park for a few hours on inspection. But just as Larry sits there eating his crappy sandwich he notices something. Something out of the ordinary at the park, which he knows very well. He notices two kids smoking dope. In Larry’s eyes this is a very serious offense because he is so used to him being the only one at the park. He quickly sprints after the perpetrators yelling at them to stop, so they did. He walked the perpetrators over to the park bench which not so long ago he was eating his peanut butter sandwich to book them (give them a little ticket for the offense). The only thing that’s going through Larry’s head while he is writing the tickets is all his hard frivolous work as a park cop has finally paid off

After his day’s work at the park he will return back to the station in his behemoth wood chipper of a squad car. None of the officer’s even bother talking to him because they are too busy actually doing police work. Larry will hop into his old beat down sedan, and will drive to his apartment. When he finally gets to his apartment he will sit on his worn down couch, and watch some terrible reality TV depending on what day it is, today he will watch Housewives of Beverly Hills. He will just sit there in front of the TV eating cookie dough ice cream thinking about how he goes on with his dead end job and his extremely repetitive routine. Then he will finally go to bed. Even though everybody else in the station his minor drug bust doesn’t mean anything, but in Larry Benson’s eyes he will be the most powerful hero alive

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