The River Of Tears | Teen Ink

The River Of Tears

May 23, 2014
By Alex Voloshin SILVER, Pasco, Washington
Alex Voloshin SILVER, Pasco, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The River of Tears
One day Jake who is seventeen years old and a wild teenager at Laser High decided that he and two of his best friends should do something great during the spring break. Jake told Alex and Brandon to meet him at his house to go on a trip. When Alex and Brandon arrived that spring break Monday they asked Jake where they were headed to. Jake laughed and said that there headed to camp at the River of Tears. When Brandan saw Jake put a machete in his camping bag, he asked him why. Jake smiled and said that they were going to need it.
As they rode in Jake’s dad’s 1993 Dodge truck they talked about women, money and cars. It took them six hours to arrive. They knew that they arrived to the camp because they saw a sign that had said beware of the river of tears. There were lots of tall skinny trees and plants at the place where they set up their tent. They set up there pillow and sleeping bags and where ready to go look around. As they walk around they see no other campers or animals. All they saw were tall trees, trees, and plants. Brandon looked at Jake and asked why this place? Jake told them that on the news he was watching they said that this place was the most dangerous place on earth.
They had walked around for three hours finding absolutely nothing. They started to wonder why this place was considered the most dangerous. Nothing scary was seen. Alex told Jake that maybe they should find the river. They searched and searched for the river. And not a single river had been found. So they walked back thinking of things they should do because this place was really boring for them.
Back at the camp site, they sat at the bonfire complaining to Jake about the place. Alex and Branden were telling Jake that he ruins everything, and that in the morning they were leaving no matter what. They went inside the tent laid down and heard nothing but silence. Slowly all three of them fell asleep.
In the morning Alex woke up Branded and asked him where Jake was. Branded told Alex that he didn’t know because he slept really good this night. They both put their shoes on and searched around the tent. They couldn’t find a single clue to where Jake may have gone to. And then Branded noticed that the Dodge truck was gone. And Jake had the keys to it. He told Branded and they both started to panic. They went back into the tent and saw that all of Jakes things were gone also. They started to think that Jake got mad about the situation last night and left for home without them. They pulled out there phones and saw that they have no service. So they sat down by the tent and waited for Jake to come back. But nobody had come. They had waited so long that it was starting to get dark again. Alex told Branded that if Jake wasn’t back in the morning, they would have to start walking on the trail back to the main roads.
The next morning as Branded woke up; Alex told him that Jake wasn’t back. So they packed up the tent and put all their stuff in their bags and went walking. They walked and walked and felt like they were going nowhere. Then Alex noticed a red sign up a hill. It was hard to see it because it was covered with leaves and tree branches. They ran up that hill and saw that the sign said, Hazard Area Please Keep away. They looked around and saw that nothing looked like a hazard, utill they spoted something really bright in a long distance. They both knew it was dangerous, but they thought that it would be safe to look at it, as long as they don’t touch. They slowly started to walk toward the bright circular thing. As they came closer, the smell got more and more toxic. Finally when they came to a close distance, they noticed that it was a circular woman’s makeup mirror. And it made that bright light because of the suns reflection in the mirror. So they started walking back until they got back on the trail. Their eyes suddenly got wet with tears. Water was coming out of their eyes, and they looked like they were crying. When it the water coming from their eyes stopped, both Alex and Branded fell down to the ground.
Jake arrived back to camp after filling up the gas tank, he couldn’t find anyone. He was gone so long because his tire got flat after he filled the gas tank. He had service so he called the mechanic to come and help him fix the tire, because he had no tools with him. The mechanic told Jake that he would have to wait a day because the shop was closed. He noticed a trail of footsteps leading in the wrong direction. He knew that they must have accidentally chosen the wrong path. So he followed the footsteps.
As Jake walked and walked he had spotted two bodies laying down the path. Jake got really scared because he knew it was Brandon and Alex. When Jake saw their bodies laying there he cried in tears. He knew it was his fault for leaving without telling them.
When Jake got on the main trail he called the police and their parents. The police put the bodies in bags and into an ambulance. They had said to the parents that they both died from extreme radiation. The parents went into tears because they no longer had their sons. Jake was speechless and couldn’t move. On the ride home Jake said no words to his parents, because he knew the police told them everything. His parents looked sad and disappointed. At home Jake went into his room and cried. He knew that he had lost both of his friends. And there is nothing he can do to change things.

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