The Worst Day Ever | Teen Ink

The Worst Day Ever

May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

It was just a normal Friday morning for Amanda and Katie. They had just arrived to school and were walking towards the front of the school. They were walking a little slower that day because it was a beautiful morning. The weather was awesome; it was not too cold or hot, it was just perfect. Amada had just bought a new pair of shoes and was showing them off. They were blue with silver and white all over them. Amanda and Katie were happily chatting about what they were going to do that night at Amanda’s since Katie was staying the night. They were discussing what snacks they were going to eat and what movies they were going to watch.

Katie and Amanda were heading separate ways to go on to class. All of a sudden Amanda started to fall and she fell on her face. Her lip had busted open and blood was just gushing everywhere.

“Oh my gosh Amanda are...are you okay?”
“I don’t know, I’m bleeding and my lip hurts.”

“Here, take these. I’m going to take you to the nurse.”
There was a trail of blood drops all over the hallway and it was obvious they were on their way to the nurse. Everyone was walking by, asking why there was blood on the ground and whose blood it was. Katie told them it was none of their business and just go on to class. Katie hoped Amanda was okay and she went to the office to tell them they need a janitor to clean up the hallway.
“Um, there is some blood in the fourth and fifth grade hallway.”
“Oh, dear; is everything alright?”
“Yeah, my friend Amanda had tripped and busted her lip open.”
“Oh, okay. Well, did she go to the nurse?”
“Yes, a teacher took her down there.”
“Alright. Well, thank you for letting us know. Why don’t you go on along to class?”
Amanda had just walked into the nurse’s office and Mrs. Billings rushed to her side. She gave Amanda a clean damp rag to help stop the blood. Mrs Billings asked Amanda what happened and she told her. Mrs Billings then called Amanda’s mom and told her everything that went down.
“Your mother said she will be here in a little bit.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“Oh, you’re welcome, sweetie. Here, use the popsicle to help with the swelling. I think it stopped bleeding.”
“Okay, it hurts really bad.”
“I’m sure it does. Hope it gets better,” she said with a smile.
“Me too.”

Amanda sat patiently in the nurses office waiting for her mother. The nurse tended to another student while Amanda sat in the chair in front of the desk. Her lip was still bleeding really badly and she needed to get a new rag; the one she had was stained with her blood. Amanda asked the nurse for a new rag so Mrs Billings got her one. Amanda sat there and it seemed like eternity before her mother had gotten there.
Eventually her lip had scabbed up and completely stopped bleeding. The popsicle helped with the swelling. Amanda’s mom had gotten to school half an hour later and took her home to rest.
Katie came over after school and tried to help make Amanda feel better. Katie ended up not staying the night that night because Amanda was not in the mood for all the fun they had planned earlier that day. That day was supposed to be a good one but it turned out to be the worst day ever.

The author's comments:
It is about a person that had fallen at school and busted her lip open in front of practically the whole school.

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