The Daring | Teen Ink

The Daring

June 11, 2014
By Ari_T SILVER, Grantville, Pennsylvania
Ari_T SILVER, Grantville, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was born an original, I wont die a copy"

So there I was, starring, yet again at my weary and drained eyes in the mirror. I can’t count the endless times this has happened, and I don’t know how to prevent it. Why is my imagination looked down upon? Why don’t they agree with me? Why are they so up-tight? These questions and twenty others were roaming my distressed mind. I could feel my soggy eyes start to drift to my window. No! This may not happen. See, my window is wear I look to remember. I don’t want to remember the times I’ve done this before. This isn’t fair, I will not look. As I tried to fight the desire to look, I felt my eyes slowly ease to the left and….no! It happened. I sat and stared for several minutes, and no thoughts or images appeared. Why so? As I thought of reasons why, I saw it. I saw what changed my life forever, the purple wisp.

This wisp, it had so many detailed and distinct features. Why was it there? What is it? And what I did next was the most amazingly brave, courageous and imprudent thing I’d ever do; I followed it. I had to; I felt a connection to it. Like it was a magnet and I was a huge piece of iron. But it wasn’t attracting my body it was attracting my soul, my heart, and my mind. I don’t remember running, or walking for that matter, but flying, now that will stay in my thoughts. As it attracted the three organs, I was tossed into the most uneasy position anyone could be put through. In the blink of an eye I was levitated and flown through the house, down the stairs, out the dusty kitchen, and outside, in front of the wisp. As I was trying to comprehend what just happened, a sharp pain ran though my hollow body. This force dropped me, as if it lost its vast powers within a second. I lay there, in pain, and as I turned my head the right, I saw the wisp was floating. I reached out to touch it, and it moved farther in the thick woods and teasing me as if it was saying “come follow me, or are you not worthy, you weakling”. I will not let it mock my presence! I got up and followed it to start my long and baffling journey.

I spent at least an hour following the wisp, farther and farther into the deep woods. It seems as if touching the wisp was my new obsession. As I concentrated on my mission, I picked up speed. I looked to the side and saw the trees and plants fly by. I noticed I felt as if I was flying, it was quite astonishing yet bewildering. I never realized the unknown mysteries and beauty of the open air. For, all I have seen were blue lines, with random thoughts plastering them in ink. Now the thought of my notebook stated hundreds of questions, voices, and new thoughts to form in my mind. I ran and ran and ran as I thought and puzzled over this whole experience and then I felt the smash of my cheeks against a…wall? This wall moved and ruffled like the ocean, a purple ocean. I saw my reflection and leaned in for a closer look and I fell forward. A piercing pain went through my spine. There was something strange about these woods. They were thick and dark; however I saw the way I wanted to go, like a mental trail. This place looked amazing, beautiful, pleasing, breath taking… perfect. As I took in the beauty, I saw a shadow approach me that looked familiar. It was large and masculine, it was him. “Boo”, he said tauntingly, knowing I was frightened. I managed to stutter, “How”. He knew what I meant as he always does, and he expressed, loving, “Run, and follow me, and your pleasures will be pleased”. And instantly we ran together into the land of perfectness.

Eventually we slowed down and I saw what he meant by my pleasures being pleased. On my right there were wishes I have wanted for ever, my family and friends safe, protection, riches, and a happy world where death was only familiar to the man who caused pain. I saw a bench and ran to it and sat down, and soon after he joined me. And we sat there and spent the day, in each other’s arms, watching our lives pass by along with our promising, bright futures that we shared together.
This was great, amazing, and extraordinary. I could have sat forever and then some, however I knew as much as he did that I had to go back.
“You do know that you may stay here.” He expressed hopefully.
“Will I ever be able to go back?”
“Yes, only for a little while, then you have to hide, for you will never move from this point when it comes to age, frozen in time per say, and people shall notice.” He said, looking at the ground.
“I can’t, my family…my friends, they mean too much, but I don’t want to live in my reality anymore.” I uttered worriedly.
“You have twenty-four hours to meet me at this spot and tell me, remember… I love you. “My love whispered.
”No, don’t do this!” I yelled.
He disappeared into nothing within seconds, as I trembled at the thought of him leaving. I couldn’t do this, how could he say that? I puzzled over what I would respond with all day and evening, for tomorrow I would tell him and make life changing decision.

I woke up, my clothes damp, smelling of leaves and…him? Yes, for there he was standing before me as I lay there, motionless. He extended his strong sturdy hand, and helped me up to my feet.
“Have you made your decision”, he said sternly. I stood, speechless, thoughtless… powerless. “You have thought about it, right?”
“Yes I have and I have decided that I will …” I gasped as I aroused from my sleep. “Wait…bed, pillow, air”, I thought. The air, it smells of artificial flowers, fake, false, lies, but why? I leisurely opened my eyes and saw the pale walls, and the angled, rose tinted light. “Inside, room, home?” I puzzled. I looked out the window, nothing. Ordinary weeds, as dead as my fantasy world. Why would my own mind hurt me this severely? I will not stand for my own reasoning standing me up like this. I snatched the picture on my wall that’s said ”love life” and threw it, tears hastening down my face. I picked up the picture from the shattered glass, and placed it in the fireplace facing me. Along with the pictures of anything joyful I could find, I lit all of them and watched them burn with a smile on my face. I then laid jeans, a shirt, and combat boots out on my bed and took a shower. After my cleansing I changed and grabbed the heaviest jacket I could find. And then…I set off, determined to find my world, whether death was a possibility or not. Goodbye hatred, goodbye lies, goodbye pain, I won’t miss you.

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on Jul. 3 2014 at 9:31 am
Sunshine2420 SILVER, Unknown, Other
9 articles 0 photos 173 comments

Favorite Quote:
A smile hides everything.

Its just totally fabulous :)