L.A Publishing Story | Teen Ink

L.A Publishing Story

May 28, 2014
By Ashley Walker BRONZE, Loveland, Ohio
Ashley Walker BRONZE, Loveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

April 29, 2014
Dear Diary,

It all started when I was little, the dreams, waking up in the middle of the night, and even sometimes not being able to sleep at night. But as I got older it got even worse, looking at everyone differently than a “normal person” would because I was scared. I don’t know if I should be scared or what. I don’t even know what to expect anymore.

My parents told me that everything was going to be okay, but that was before they died a couple of years ago, now I am 20 but they died when I was 17. It was in a car accident when they were coming back from a trip. After they died it seemed like my world stopped, like nothing even mattered anymore. Some days I didn’t even feel like getting up. I just felt like crying. The power I had was affecting me physically, through pain and emotionally, through heartache and things I remember.

Every dream I had it seemed to be coming true. No matter if it was a good or horrible dream. Nothing ever made sense to me. School, life, nothing. I think it was because I could predict what was going to happen next, because the night before I had dreamed about it, and now I could see what could happen next in my life. Some people told me that I should expect and I should prepare for only the worst. But what they don’t understand, the worst could have already happened or it could be the next day. We will never know because we can not foretell the future. We just have to live in the moment or live life to the fullest because we never know when our last day will be.

Sometimes I think to myself could things get any worse…And they did, and now that I have told you my thought you are going to hear my story, the day when things got even worse...

It was almost the end of summer. I could actually say that this summer wasn’t that bad. I thought things were going to be a lot worse than they went….

Coming up on April 29, 2014, it was the anniversary of my parent’s death. The day I had planned was a memorial, going to see their graves and leaving them both flowers, but that changed when I had the dream that would change my life.

The night of April 28 I had a feeling that things weren’t going great. I just had that feeling that something was going to go wrong. I tried to go to bed but it was hard to but I finally fell asleep. That dream... that night… everything changed. Starting off my dream it was 11:59. I don’t know exactly why it was that time. But anyway…. Ground shaking, doors rattling, it all started. Sirens going off. Maybe a thunderstorm or something, but it wasn’t a thunderstorm. It was a tornado. Out of all the possibilities it had to be a tornado. Locked in my house, alone, and the sirens going off. NO THOUGHT, I WAS SCARED FOR MY LIFE! All I heard in my head was,” What are you going to do? How are you going to get out of here? Are you even going to get out of here?”

Thunder roaring, lightning hitting the ground in almost two second ripples. Rain hitting the house so hard I even thought it was hail. Soon all you could hear the roaring of the sirens against the thunder rolling and the ground shaking my house.

Ten minutes later you heard the scary yet suspenseful sound of the tornado that was moving closer to me every second. I tried to get myself to dream of something better but it would not work. This dream seemed to be controlling itself. So then I started praying, I screamed it out loud enough to try to wake myself up. But nothing seemed to be working. So I just screamed as loud as I could, I guess I thought maybe someone would hear me and come rescue me.

“Hello…. I know you are in there, I could really use your help right now… HELLO! I am going to die.” But I could not wake myself up….. like I was in a coma. But that wasn’t the thing that I was most worried about right now. I was most worried about having the possibility of dying if I could not wake myself up.
So I just sat there and cried, because it’s not like I could do anything to save my life. I was literally weeping when the thought came into my head that tomorrow was my parent’s anniversary of passing away. Three years now. I was helpless….. just then I heard a faint voice.

“ There is only one way to save yourself, my darling, and that is to,” I stopped it in the middle of a sentence and asked, “ Are you talking to me, if so I can barely hear you.”

It replied in one simple sentence,” It’s your dream. Of course, I am talking to you. Just listen and comprehend what I am saying to you.”

“Ok,” I said.

“ What you have to do is follow this road until you get to this door. You then choose between two doors, one is a fall to death and the other is the door to your bedroom. Choose wisely, and may the odds ever be in your favor.” It said and as soon as I didn’t hear this mysterious voice anymore, a blue pathway appeared. I stood up, barely being able to stand up because my foot had fallen asleep and started down this road.

Voices would randomly pop up. The weird thing was, they were voices that I had heard in my head.

“ Baby, time to come inside. It is time to eat.” This was my mother calling me in the house for dinner.

“Johny, do not and I repeat DO NOT jump off of the roof onto the trampoline. Son, you are gonna kill yourself,” my father would say all the time to my brother…. what an idiot.

“ Sissy will you watch this dance I’m doing for the talent show. I really want to win,” my younger sister, Angela, said about a week before my parents passed away. By the way this dance that she wanted me to watch was amazing. I don’t understand how a little girl could be so talented.

Anyway these voices made me think of happier times, when we were a complete family and things were normal, so I started running because of these sayings. I just wanted to get back home to where I could hold my sister and hug my brother.

After a while of running I came to the doors. Now the storm had lightened up and even though it was raining really hard I wasn’t wet! But the real question was, “Which door do I pick?” They looked exactly the same, and there was no way of telling which one was which. So I took a step back and tried to imagine. Which was more logical left or right. This helped me a lot because in real life I wrote with my right hand and everything seemed to be right. The eye I saw better with was my right. Everything in my life seemed to be right. But then since everything seemed to be going the opposite way of what I wanted it to be, I finally chose to go the opposite of what I thought which was left.

So I took a step back, held my breath, closed my eyes, and stepped through the door. As soon as I opened my eyes I was in bed where I had fallen asleep. I had made it out of my dream, I had survived what I never thought I would be able to do, I was a survivor of a horror dream!! I could finally go and see my sister and tell her about my insane dream…. If it doesn’t come true….. Then I could also go to the cemetery and see my mom and dad and leave roses by their grave and pray for them. Life wasn’t back to normal because my thoughts and views changed now…

So this is my story, this is the life I live everyday. It’s kind of crazy but I don’t know if I would be able to understand things the way I do now. My perspective changed. I now know that life is life, and there will come a time when you have to face difficult decisions. So take my advice and live life to the fullest. Also if you ever end up like I do, all I have to say, is good luck. If you ever find this, please keep it to yourself and only you. I don’t really want anyone to see this, but if you happen to find this, please don’t share. Well, in my case it will not be leaving my side until the day I die……


Anna Michael

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