The Mud | Teen Ink

The Mud

May 27, 2014
By Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From the back of the truck, she could see the farm. It was not far from them. They had had a great day. They had rode quads all day and got mud on all of them. She got stuck in the mud in the core of the creek. She pushed the gas hard and mud flew on all of her friends. She got her quad out quick and they all went through the creek and came out of the side where the grass was tall and brown. When they went through the grass, they left tracks in the grass and you could see right where all of them had put their wheels. When they got done with their ride through the back part of the land, they went back to the house. They ate a large meal of soup, greens, steak, fruit, and milk. It was great and they were all full when they got done. They put the quads in the of some of the trucks and put some of the quads in a large, wheeled box that is pulled on the back of a truck. Not all of them would fit in the truck, so a few of them had to ride in the back of the trucks. As they drove to their next stop, she watched the farm go out of her view. It had been a great day.

The author's comments:
We had to write a short story using only one-syllable words. It's harder than it seems!

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