Wonder Potato | Teen Ink

Wonder Potato

May 29, 2014
By Gordon Kitchener BRONZE, Coronado, California
Gordon Kitchener BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a dimension to the left of ours there is a potato dimension. In this dimension mostly everything is potatoes. The only things that are not potatoes are the food sources including radishes. There is world here known only as Potato Planet. On Potato Planet there is a thriving civilization of potatoes. The potatoes look like your average potato but with human characteristics. They are a tiny bit bigger than our potatoes ranging from a few inches to a foot. If you put toothpicks into a potato in our dimension and drew a face on it with sharpie you would get a solid idea of what the potato people look like. These potatoes are constantly evolving and becoming smarter. Their brain capacity is twice that of humans and they are much more efficient. They have built skyscrapers and university all of their planet. They build factories, power plants, farms, and laboratories. That's where Jon comes in.

Jon was your average potato. He worked as a scientist pushing the boundaries of the known potato world. He has a job with good pay as a professor at the National Potato Institute of Knowledge. He had complete freedom and spare time for his own activities. One day when Jon was experimenting outside with his Quantum Physics Beam, or the QPB for short. The machine would fire a narrowed beam of quantum molecules in the desired direction sometimes resulting in bizarre outcomes. Jon was testing the QPB's effects on radishes one day when a fleet of clouds approached overhead. Jon though nothing of this and decided to continue prepping for his experiment.

Jon fired the QPB at the radish causing it to slowly expand. The radish continued to expand until it finally exploded. Jon jotted this down in his notebook and approached the radish for a closer analyze. The clouds that had been approaching earlier were now position directly over the testing sight causing a strong breeze to form. As Jon was picking up a piece of the former radish he looked up to the sky. "Hmmm," muttered Jon in deep thought. "I better cancel my further experiments for today." As he said this he could hear the crackle of thunder not too far off. He shuddered and hurried over to the QPB.

Suddenly, the sky lit up with a flash quickly followed by a loud booming noise. Just as Jon looked up his life went into slow motion. He could see the white, jagged outline of lightning heading towards him from above. At the same time from the corner of his eye Jon saw the wind push over the QPB. As the QPB hit the ground it was triggered hurling a thin beam at Jon.

The author's comments:
Just some creative writing.

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