Nightmare | Teen Ink


May 27, 2014
By elijah.c BRONZE, Keeseville, New York
elijah.c BRONZE, Keeseville, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A man, taken off the streets after nine years, was struggling to stay alive with no food and bad weather creeping on to him every night like a nightmare, just waiting to wake up and be back to the way it was when he was ten, before death drenched him like a bad rain storm.

After six years of training he was ready to go out into the field. Waiting for this moment, he could not help but think back to that day his parents died when his father was roped into a bad deal that went down.

“Nicky is that you?” asked agent K.

“Six long years of hard work and learning what it takes to be the best,” Nicky replied.

“They put you out after only six years? Took me about ten just to get desk work; another four just to get out on the field and you got out in six?”

“Yea busted my Ass off just to get out here top of my class, too.”

“You luck son of a b****.”

“Yea, but anyway what is the case today?”

“After twenty years of waiting, we finally found out where DR. J is; we know he is planning something that would make anyone cringe in their shoes.”

“Okay, do we have a plan on what we are going to do to get DR.J in custody?”

“Not yet, but that’s where you would come in; we will do a briefing for you.”

“Alright, let’s go then."

Soon after the briefing, Nick was off to work not caring about anything but getting DR. J, but as he was driving he could not help but to think back to his mom. Her dead body lying there cold on the ground. Blood everywhere he looked. His dad being shot and thrown in the dark black van. Sitting there for hours before anyone came and found him holding his mother’s bloody body.

A Few years after that, they tried to put him into homes, but one after the other he left until they gave up on him and he was finally on his own until nineteen when they came to get him.

The car horn pushed his memories back into that dark vault, as he got out of the car to scope out where he would set up mission control. After finding mission control, Nick went to work one night. He was hunting, searching, waiting for DR.J.

After days of looking, Nicky got careless and found himself drinking downtown trying to put the puzzle together on what DR.J wanted, but after drinking a lot of his scotch, he felt dazed and confused. He tried standing, but when he stood to his feet everything started to go black. Next thing he knew he was hanging upside down tied up. To his surprise DR.J was sitting there in the dark.

“Hello Nicholas,” said DR.J.
“What are you doing here and what are you planning? replied Nicky.

“Now, now, Nicky, if I tell you that it won’t be special…” trailed DR.J.

“Let me out and I will show you special,” Nicky warned.

“Such big words my son.”

“I am not your son,” sneered Nicky.

With a fast click, a light shined on DR.J and Nicholas was shocked at what was standing there in front of his eyes. DR. James Richford.

“Yes son, your dad. I was not really, shot. It was all made up to fool you. Yes, your mother died in that moment but what was I to do? He looked like he still had feelings for her, but Nick was not sure as the evil look in his eyes overpowered his will to care.

“You bastard! Said Nick with rage in is voice.”
How could you do that to your family? Your wife? Your son?”

“Well drug business is not all it’s cracked up to be see, I have this one guy who is just the best at what he does. I think you know him very well, see his name is D.K.”

As Nick went into a flashback, his father was still rambling on………

“Nick my man, said D.K, nice to see you again, what you been up to?”

“Not a damn thing, man, just trying to get some money, you know.”

“Yea I hear you, dude. Life is hard right now, but if you ever need a job? I know this guy who pays top dollar to just go around and sell a li'l something to the people”.

Thanks man, but I am good, you know I don’t do that stuff after the crap my dad was in.

“Ok well, peace man.”

"Yea see ya,” said Nick as he left.

Soon after the flash back, Nick returned to reality. Instinctively, he grabs the first thing he can to cut himself free with. His father shocked to see that he is heading for him runs. Not in fear but to the gun he has hidden near his desk. He lunges for it, but Nick is right there behind him grabbing it throwing it from his father’s hands. With a fast punch to the face his father falls to the ground. Stunned, he gets up in one motion to grab that gun just one more time. It is too late. Nick grabs the gun that he had under his shirt and pulls the trigger slowly back. Before his father even knows what hit him, he is shot in the arm and then the leg and shoulder and knee. One after the other, Nick just keeps firing not caring. All that rage growing up not having a mother or a father. Finding out his father was the reason his mother was dead was all the rage he needed to pull that last trigger… BANG. He heard it fire that last shot that one shot that made every bad thing in his life go away. He thought to himself this chapter is closed. But little did Nicky know that as soon as one chapter ends, a new one begins.

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This article has 1 comment.

MichD said...
on Jun. 5 2014 at 10:07 am
MichD, Clintonville, New York
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This above all, to thine own self be true." ~ William Shakespeare

Nice work, Elijah! :) Mrs. D