Survive | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By Anonymous

Nathan is walking heading home from the bar just in the lower east side in New York passing up dollar slice pizza. It's about 12 AM, at least his watch says so. Nathan is feeling fine hes not too drunk pretty easy task to continue walking. The bar is about 10 blocks down and he has probably walked about 6 blocks now. He walks down a dark alley every time he walks home because its much quicker than walking the corners, and dodging traffic. When he walks out of the alley he's normally alone.

This time though.. Nathan came across another man that thought crossing through the alley was also a Reasonable option for a quick shortcut. The two men saw each other at a distance and Nathan continued walking. He wasn't worried at first but then he realized the other man's footsteps were really loud it sounded like he was wearing boots, but why? its 80 degrees and concrete?

The moment Nathan met eyes with him he immediately knew why the man had boots on. Within a couple of footsteps Nathan observed him very strongly. He noticed he had his right hand in his pocket wearing baggy, khaki pants his left hand was clenched into a fist he had boots on and a torn plain white t-shirt. This man didn't live around here, Nathan knew exactly what he's doing here he is going to rob him.

As he came closer Nathan mentally prepared himself to be ready to defend himself.

The Man said ¨This will be easy if you just hand it over¨ as he puts the gun up to Nathan's eyes. His right arm was hanging in front of him holding the gun. This is where he messed up because in training Nathan practiced with the right arm mostly and he had just went over this move this week. He smacked the gun to the side and wrapped his left arm around his right. Stepped to the side and threw him over his hip he heard his ribs crack the second they hit the ground the gun has now been removed from his hand. Nathan is safe now, and all he can hear is the man grunting due to broken ribs. He wasn't done here. He immediately assumed the arm bar position pinched his knees together and broke the man's arm. After this Nathan stood up picked up the man's gun and walked away.

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