The adventures of paco | Teen Ink

The adventures of paco

May 13, 2014
By Anonymous

“Grrrrrr,” roared Paco, as the vicious, monstrous teacup Chihuahua attacked the old, evil, rusty smelling, crunchy looking, orangish brown, and leaf. He went in for the attack on the evil leaf, as soon as he saw it move towards the dark haunted alley. He started to creep on his paws toward his enemy hunting it down. Out of nowhere, the silver trashcan started to rumble like the thunder that night. Boom! An ugly naked thing came jumping out; Paco’s hair stood up as far as it could stand. He turned around and saw this ugly thing and his eyes were scarred for life. There the naked thing stood. Paco had never seen such a goofy looking rat in any of his adventures before. Paco was bark less at first sight of that thing. He had to look at it for awhile; it puzzled him for it was much bigger than a rat. He got closer to it and he had seen the truth that it was hiding from him. He couldn’t believe it, but it was true it was a cat. A naked, hairless kitty cat Paco couldn’t believe his eyes. That thing that people call a pet, a cat, a friend. Why would people create such a thing he thought to himself? Paco decided to just continue on his journey and pretend that he didn’t see that thing. He just wanted to continue on his way that night. He wanted to forget about what that naked thing was that he had seen.
After Paco got passed that scary moment with the trash can and that naked kitty cat, Paco spotted what he was really hunting after. Paco was after that no good Great Dane. The Great Dane was trying to be a sneaky little thing, but Paco is the real sneaky one. That Great Dane was trying to hide from Paco with its dark, almost black, body and short tail. They called him the Great Dane, but he puts that name to shame. That’s why his owner named him Tiny Dane. His body was the tiniest thing Paco had ever seen; his tongue was no longer than he’s legs. He never had seen Paco coming for him. Paco carefully and quietly moved his body underneath of Tiny Dane’s body making sure his tail stayed close in between his legs. Paco has always been a pro at moving around with no one around to see or hear him.
Finally, Paco was under Tiny Dane’s body it wasn’t that hard for Paco, means Tiny Dane didn’t turn on his hearing aids that day apparently. The night was now heading towards the right direction finally. Paco was always playing tricks on the other dogs. Just having some fun, and excitement. Paco and Tiny Dane knew each other, since they were both pups back in the day. They both grew up together and they would both play around with each other every time they would see each other. They would both be playing games on each other. Today Paco was going to play a trick on Tiny Dane.
Paco was being as quiet as he could. He didn’t want to make any noises for than Tiny Dane would hear him. His plan would be wrecked then. They were walking very briskly across the old rocky wooden bridge. Paco’s toes were just about small enough to fall in between the cracks in the old wooden bridge. They were getting closer to the end of the bridge where there was an old metal piece at the end for a slant. Paco’s feet started to slip as he walked across. All of a sudden Paco’s feet slipped into the cracks.
“Yip,” cried Paco, his feet were stuck in the cracks. His poor little nails started to rip. Tiny Dane quickly turned around, and seen Paco was stuck on the bridge.
“Paco!!” yelled Tiny Dane, as he rushed back onto the bridge to make sure that Paco was ok and hopefully not hurt too bad.
“Paco are you ok?” asked Tiny Dane, with a soft voice as he was very concerned for Paco.
“My paw seems to be stuck in the old broken wood, Help!!” Yipped Paco.
“I’ll grab onto the back of your neck, and pull you up” exclaimed Tiny Dane, as he started to walk towards Paco to help him.
“Do it fast Tiny Dane, it hurts very badly” grunted Paco in a very hurting voice.
Tiny Dane was now behind Paco, he positioned himself behind Paco that way he would be able to grab him as carefully as possible. Tiny Dane did not want to hurt Tiny Dane in anyway; he knew it had to be very painful for Paco.
“Are you ready?” asked Tiny Dane.
“I’m as ready as I will ever be Tiny Dane” shouted Paco.
Tiny Dane then started to get a good grip of Paco’s back fur and skin. He grabbed onto it and quickly whipped him out and his stuck paw out of the crack in the bridge.
“Ouch” Squealed Paco, for another 2 minutes after his foot was out of the crack.
“We better get you home Paco, I don’t think you should be walking on it” explained Tiny Dane to Paco.
“Yes, we better my toe is hurting badly right now” Paco mumbled to Tiny Dane.
They were on their way home and, Paco had enough excitement for one day, he didn’t want to think about all the things that he wouldn’t be able to do just cause of his broken toe.
Tiny Dane carefully put Paco on his back and started the long journey home. Paco had a thought of his parents on the way home. His parents Bear and Blue taught him very well before they passed away, they were the best hunters around. Paco’s mother was a purebred Chihuahua, his dad was a purebred Chihuahua.
Paco felt this pain before when his parents died a few years back. Paco felt emptiness inside of him, he felt like he would be lost all over again. Paco didn’t want to feel that loneliness again, he could barely handle it the first time. After they died he felt like he couldn’t do anything that he usually enjoyed.
He was remembering that day the day that they passed away right before his eyes. He started to tear up just thinking about it. This was the hardest thing for him to remember, it would be for anyone. He was just a pup back then when the accident happened. He was sitting in the window on the brown seat watching his parents play outside. He always wanted a life like that when he got older. He was 1 year-old when they passed away.
He was watching out the window from his seat as he would every day. He would always be jumping around and not watching very close, but that day he did. Paco seen every detail of how his parents were hit by a drunk driver. Paco seen an orange, 2-door, dodge neon, coming down the street at a very fast speed he thought. He didn’t think anything of it until he looked to the right, down the sidewalk and seen his parents laying there taking a nap in the sunshine. Paco seen the drunk driver heading towards the driveway and thought that he would stop before he hit the sidewalk. The driver didn’t though, he never seen Paco’s parents on the ground nor did he even care at all.
“MOM! DAD!” Yelled Paco. But they didn’t respond to Paco, like they usually did. Paco ran outside as fast as he could bark like he had never barked before. It was too late though, they had already been hit. Paco walked up to them to see if he could still help them. He got there just in time for his parents to say their last goodbyes.
“Paco live your life to the fullest, and always remember I love you hunny” Moaned Blue, Paco’s mother.
“Paco don’t ever forget who you are, in this life I love you son.” babbled Bear Paco’s father.
“I will always love you both with all my heart; I will never forget you both. I love you Mom and Dad.” Cried Paco. He was crying his eyes out at this time, he never thought he would have to see or face that moment in his lifetime, but he had to. He was never the same after that happened to him. He lost the meaning of life after that, Paco didn’t have much fun after that for he was sad with grief. Tiny Dane helped Paco overcome his grief after a while. That’s when they started all their journeys together.
“Paco what are you thinking about up there?” asked Tiny Dane.

“I’m remembering what it felt like when my parents passed away and you helped me be me again.” answered Paco
They finally, reached their home. Tiny Dane walked slowly up to the door and, through the doggy door they went. Paco was hanging on for dear life, as he just about fell off Tiny Dane’s back. They were both inside the house now, Tiny Dane carefully helped Paco off his back. He laid Paco on his soft doggy bed, while Tiny Dane went to get some bandages for Paco’s foot. A few minutes later Tiny Dane walked back into where Paco was laying in the bed. Tiny Dane had found some bandages to wrap Paco’s foot in, and some medicine to put on it so it wouldn’t get infected.
“I’m going to be putting on some medicine on your foot now Paco, don’t move.” Explained Tiny Dane
“All right” agreed Paco.
Tiny Dane had a warm wet rag to wash Paco’s foot off first so it was clean. He then dabbed some medicine on it very carefully not to touch it too much as he did not want to hurt Paco. Next Tiny Dane wrapped Paco’s foot in some nice clean bandage, and put some tape over it so it would stay in place at all times.
“Does it feel ok?” asked Tiny Dane
“Yes, it feels much better!” Yawned Paco
They were both very tired from the long day of adventures today. Tiny Dane had mentioned that they take a nap or watch a movie after the rough day that Paco had.
“Paco lets watch a movie!” mentioned Tiny Dane.
“Alright that sounds like a plan to me!” giggled Paco.
Tiny Dane went into the drawer and got out their favorite movie that they watch on rainy days. They could watch Lion King all day if they wanted to. Now they were both lying on their beds watching the movie. Slowly they both started to fall asleep as the movie went on. That was their day for them, until tomorrow that was it for their adventures.
The End

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