Last Fight | Teen Ink

Last Fight

May 20, 2014
By NonePizzaWLeftBeef BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
NonePizzaWLeftBeef BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's a monster at the end of this book. It's the blank page at the end of the story where you're left alone with yourself and your thoughts.

Aria pulled against Tate’s grip harshly, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks as she tried to console Bria.

“Bria, you don’t have to do this! Just leave it! It doesn’t matter– It’s not worth your life!” She howled, squirming and struggling. Tate’s hold held tight, though, dragging her away from the makeshift ring that had been constructed earlier. Over the rest of the others yelling and cheering, her voice was stronger than the rest. Desperate. She had seen her friends die before, watched as the light had drained from their eyes. While he did not know her pain, he understood her fear. His face was a mask of indifference, eyes half lidded and dull. A sharp contrast to the tearful, red faced girl beside him, screaming for her best friend to stop.

“It’s not our fight, Aria. Let her do what she wants.” He muttered, triggering the small girl to yank even harder. Tate gave her some slack, fearing he might break her thin arms on accident if he tried tugged too fiercely. He gave way too much though, hand slipping from her wrist as she gave one last vicious tug. She frail girl crashed to the filthy, grime covered cement, having only one arm to ease her fall. He heard the crack of a bone, but barely a whimper from Aria before she was back up on her feet, holding her arm and trying to push herself up onto the platform the two fighters stood on. Tate was there before she could pull herself up, grabbing her roughly by the waist and dragging her away. Endured the swift punches and kicks that suddenly bombarded him as Aria struggled to escape, knowing he had to get her out of here. She was going to kill herself if he didn’t.

Bria’s bottle green eyes barely glanced at Aria, distracted momentarily by what was happening in the crowd. Had she broke her arm? The same one that Bria herself had broken years ago in a hateful rage, finding Aria to be the only one to inflict it on? Why was she so loyal, after all that she had done? She shook her head, crimson curls flopping over her shoulder, matted with too much dirt and sweat to have their normal bounce. Blood flowed from her broken nose, seeping into her mouth. Tasting the metallic liquid, she grimaced slightly, quickly swallowing it down. She inhaled deeply, trying to steady her heavy breathing. The scent of cigarette smoke and stale water filled her nostrils, momentarily reminding her of the fights back home. Her fingers tightened around her brass knuckles, the only weapon she had against the monster she faced. Bria was tall for her age and had a sturdy build to her. She weighed more than most of the boys that hovered around the ring, but she was pure muscle. Her opponent looked slight compared to her, barely a sliver of a girl, yet she fought like she had been born into it. A true warrior. She was just as injured as Bria, though. Bria saw the fear in her eyes. The shock. As if Yilari didn’t expect to sustain such injuries, despite the fact that she KNEW Bria had been raised this way too. This was how she had survived. Won money from fights, located in abandoned warehouses and rat infested alleys. She couldn’t stop or she would starve. But this fight wasn’t for money, it was for revenge. Bria knew what Yilari had done to some of the members of the group. Watched them die before her, smiling as they bled out from the wounds that Elysia had caused.

“C’mon then, what’re you waiting for, yah filth? Take a swing! Make me bleed like the others!” Bria hissed, bloody spit flying visibly through the air.

Yilari’s mouth twitched upwards, causing a shock of pain to run through her split lip. She didn’t mind, the fight would be over soon enough. She hovered a ways away, before leaning forward just barely. Bria took it as the beginning of another attack, lunging forward. Her usually quick punch was now sloppy from exhaustion. Yilari quickly dodged, rolling away before jumping towards her opponent. Bria barely caught sight of the flash of metal in Yilari’s hand before it was too late. The knife sunk into her stomach. She heard Aria’s scream, but didn’t react, watching as Yilari ripped the knife left instead of pulling it out. Bria felt as if she were in a dream, completely numb as she watched the long slash of red blossom from under her stained, white shirt. Then the pain registered, and she let out a horrified howl, one hand quickly whipping down to the fatal injury. Her shaking arm pushed hard on the gash, knowing that her organs would slip out if she didn’t hold them in. Yilari danced back into the shadowy area of the ring, smirking smugly as if she had won the battle. But as the seconds passed, her smile dropped into a horrified scowl. How was she still standing? She should be dead–

Bria’s knees shook, wanting to give out. The blood spilled over her hand, but still she stood, trying to breathe. The fire in her eyes was draining. She had to win. She couldn’t die like this. A failure. She had started this fight, and she would finish it. For the sake of the ones that had died, and her own honor.

Her eyes were glazed over as they glanced over to Aria and Tate, numbly taking in their features one last time. A rush of nostalgia hit her like a train, along with another punch of pain.

They were sitting in the park, laughing. The sun was setting, still warm but fading quickly. Suddenly, there was no more laughter. She was lying in a hospital bed. Aria sat by her, tears slowly rolling down her tanned cheeks.

“You can’t keep on fighting.” Aria’s voice was distorted, as if she were underwater.

“I have to… For you…” Bria gasped, snapping out of her flashback. A shock of energy ran through her, forcing her limbs to move towards her opponent. Slowly at first, mechanically. Her breathing became faster.

“For you–” She growled, picking up speed as she rushed towards the frozen girl. Bria let out a harsh scream, summoning the last bit of her energy and swinging her foot high, heel impacting with the side of Yilari’s head. Bria watched as her eyes suddenly went blank and she fell to the ground, now dead. Blood pooled under her, staining her cheeks as it slowly seeped out of her temple. Bria lost her balance, toppling over beside the dead girl. She closed her eyes, breathing shallowly. Her muscles relaxed when she heard Aria’s desperate voice, so distant from her. She felt someone shaking her, but just barely, as if it were just a ghost nudging her. A faint smile twitched at her lips, welcoming the silky blackness that was ensnaring her thoughts. Only one thought ran through her mind, now. It was repetitive yet comforting-
‘I won. I won for her.’

The author's comments:
Excerpt/drabble from one of my RPs

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