The Serpent's Revenge | Teen Ink

The Serpent's Revenge

May 20, 2014
By Zachary Zeimen BRONZE, Gilberts, Illinois
Zachary Zeimen BRONZE, Gilberts, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Serpents Revenge:
Part one: Day 1

“Olivia! Kyle!” screamed Jack.
“We’re over here!” said Olivia.
“Where are we?” said Jack.
“Some kind of really Weird Island.” said Kyle.
“Great, that’s just great. You know this wouldn’t have happened if someone hadn’t hit the button in the first place!” shouted Jack.
“Hey! It was either the button, get shot, or go to prison. I picked the best option there was.” said Kyle.
“Guys stop fighting for once in your life please!” Said Olivia
“Fine” they said
Then out of the blue there was a massive roaring sound and trees crashing in the distance. They all froze. “What the hell was that.” said Jack.
“I don’t know and I don’t want to find out.” said Kyle.
“I agree with Kyle on that one.” said Olivia. Then the roar was heard again but at a greater distance “At least it was farther away this time.”
“Well I don’t know about you guys but I think we should go find shelter, food, and other basic survival stuff.” Said Jack
“Yah that’s a good idea.” said Kyle
“Nice thinking Jack. So umm where we should start?” said Olivia. “Where do you guys think is the safest place around here?” Said Jack
“The trees” said Kyle. Looking like he had seen a ghost
“Are you ok Kyle?” said Jack.
“I would be if I hadn’t just seen something really big just scurry really fast through the trees.”
“Ok I think Kyle is right with the tree scenario.” Said Olivia.
“Yah me too, lets go.” said Jack.
About an hour later, “Guys how about that tree, it’s really tall.” Said Kyle “Nah how about that one?” said Olivia.
“No the branches are to thin where are we going to sit, sleep, and stuff.” Said Kyle

“True, Jack are you even looking or do you not care if we survive?” said Olivia.
“No I am not looking, Yes I do care” said Jack.
“Then what are you doing looking around for?” said Kyle.
“I am looking for things that can devour us and so we can stay away from that area” said Jack.
“Ok have you found anything yet?” said Kyle.
“no, not yet. I’ll tell you if I do though.” said Jack. “Ha-ha you better.” Said Olivia sarcastically

They were walking by a couple of large rocks when Jack heard a mew sound.
“Guys did you hear that?” said Jack.
“no, what was it?” said Kyle.
“Just listen.” Then there was another mew. “It sounds like a baby cat.” Said Kyle
“It sounds lost we should find it.” Said Jack
“Yah we should” said Kyle. “You idiots now I know you didn’t pay attention in class. If you did, you would know that where the babies are, their mothers are ALWAYS near by.” Said Olivia
“You actually believe what Mrs. Walsh says? You can’t even prove that” said Jack.
“Yes I actually can just look on that rock over there” said Olivia. It roared and jumped at them.
“RUN!” said Kyle. They all screamed and started running. The roaring stopped but they kept running. They eventually stopped and looked behind them and saw nothing
“This looks like a good tree right?” said Kyle panting ferociously. The others gave him thumbs up in reply. They started to climb the tree until they came to a couple of really sturdy branches. They sat there for a while before anyone talked.
“Well this day has officially sucked.” said Kyle, but when he looked over at Jack and Olivia they were already asleep. “Goodnight guys hopefully I will see you in the morning.”

Part two: Day 2

“AAAAAHHHHH” screamed Olivia. Jack and Kyle moaned. Then realizing where they were woke up in an instant. Olivia was hanging from the branch below.
“Guys help me!” she yelled.
“Ok we’re coming but don’t freak out and yell so loud we don’t know what’s out here” said Jack.
“Ok fine but hurry please, I can’t hold on much longer!” said Olivia.
“Jack hold my arm please, preferably tightly and lower me down that branch.” said Kyle.
“Sure here,” said Jack laying down on the branch and sticking out his hand in Kyle’s direction. Kyle reached out and grabbed his hand and slowly let go from the branch he was on.
“Easy, easy, hold on tight Jack.” said Kyle.
“I can’t watch” said Olivia closing her eyes and holding on to the branch even tighter.
“I got you don’t worr…” said Jack lightening his grip on Kyle for a split second. He then started to laugh.
“What is the matter with you, I could have fallen!” yelled Kyle at Jack.
“Relax for once. I was just joking around, geez.” replied Jack. Jack finished lowering him. Kyle raised up his fist and jack snorted out of laughter.
“Am I chopped liver or something hurry up Kyle!” said Olivia. Kyle reached down and pulled her up.
“Finally thank you.” She said.
“Ok well that was a great beginning to his day” said Jack sarcastically from above.
“Yah really so umm what do we do now. I mean we can’t just go sit on the couch and play the D Cube together or something like that.” said Jack.
“I wish we were home” said Olivia. They sat there starring at each other until a faint growl was heard. “Am I just being paranoid or did I just hear a growl sound?” said Olivia.
“No I heard it to” agreed Jack. They looked at Kyle who was holding his stomach. He looked down in embarrassment.
“Sorry guys I am just getting a little bit hungry,” Kyle said. By now his checks were flushed.
“It’s ok Kyle, at least we know what were doing next.” said Olivia.
“I don’t know about you guys but I prefer to stay up here, where it’s safe.” Jack said urgently. Olivia shook her head.
“Ok fine, you stay here and starve while we go get food and eat it without you,” she said.
“Ok, ok I’m coming just give me a minute I got to go take a major wiz.” replied Jack.
“Really TMI, Jack TMI,” said Olivia
“Yah seriously that was way too much information.” agreed Kyle. Jack carefully climbed down the tree behind the others.
“OK Jack, go take your wiz and we’ll be right over here” said Olivia
“OK, be right back” said Jack. He walked behind the tree into some bushes. Jack screamed and the others ran over to where he was. He was standing there zippering up his pants.
“What is it, Jack?” said Kyle. He pointed up a few feet. They all stood there staring at it.
“What is that thing!” said Olivia, surprised, confused, and scared.


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