The Normals | Teen Ink

The Normals

May 22, 2014
By matthew porter BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
matthew porter BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He, has the articulate mind set. Wandering through the forest there is great truth. His fingers scatter down his arm. Moving like fluid he follows the rises and the bumps of the scars upon his arms. Wounded. Different as he is, he wont submit to the normals. Criticism goes like fire. He is winded, vulnerable. The slightest grasp of sanity is needed. He believes in death, the opportunity it may bring. Mid forest there is nothing but the foreground of trees amongst trees. They whisper about the normals. How the normals will find a way to eradicate this pest problem. Simple enough. He listens. They speak of the future. The two paths that will be aligned for him are very specific and very potent. He cant go back and he wont. Stumbling deeper into the forest he finds a girl behind the bushes, back turned.

She is elegant. Not like the normals no, but different. Her pink flesh had the shatter of red pipped scars along her legs. He watches her. She has the thinest hair. She was dressed in clothing not to far from what he is so compelled to wear. Rags. She sobs. Her sounds broke barrios in his heart he was not even aware of. Careful. She was anatomically perfect. Her shape was beautiful in every aspect. He now lusts for her. Slowly. He advances behind her taking care not to make the smallest sound. The snap of a twig ignites the gloomy wilder forest.

She spins around dagger wielded. They hault. His hands reach up in a innocent manner. Safety is all he wants to secure in him and her.
“Why the hell are you watching me?” she snarls.
“I was just making sure that you were ok”
“Or were you just sent by those bastard normals to assassinate me”
“There are a multitude of people like us and you really think that the normals would send one person to get specifically you?” he enthusiastically asks.
Silence falls over them both. She lowers her dagger ever so slowly while she scans his every move. He begins to slowly works his way closer. She allows it but with hand upon butt of blade. They feel a heat incapacitate them. They trickle sweat from there pours, fear from there hearts, and lusts from there bodies. He slides his hand across her raspy red cheeks. Gently. She holds his torn wrists and guides them down. She slides his hands further and further until she reaches the point of interest. His hands not lye between her breasts on her heart. The rhythmic beat of her heart begins to synchronize with his. Leaning in they feel the warm morbid air between there lips. Breathing becomes scarce. Lungs become winded. The taste. Ever so sweet. Pulling away they had not understood yet what had just latched onto them to kiss. Fiery blushed faces. They collapse to there knees. Face to face. She explored him. Every touch and every feel was a new texture to her. A new experience. She fell upon his scares and realized how deep they really were. She synthesized together how hurt and betrayed he was. The normals. They used him as a vessel of there awful treatments and conditionings. Like her. He had escaped though. Their clutches were strong when it came to holding there vessels. She grabs his hands and holds them squeezing as tight as she possibly could with her condition.
“ did you get away?” she sweetly says.
“You can tell me. We....are the same.”
“No I cant. Your weak mind wont be able to grasp the complexity of it” he snaps while pulling away.
“What the f*** is that supposed to mean?”
The wind whistles between them both. A distant echo of beasts yelps and barks are in the distance. The normals are near. Thirsty for there precious tools back. He stands helping her up. She shoves him aggressively away. He counters back with snatching her hand and sprinting with her in the opposite direction of the splinter filled forest. The call of fate slithered closer and closer. The beasts sounds so dedicated in their convictions began to find there way around every maneuver by him and her. They turn right, the beasts make there way right, they turn left, and the beasts make there way left. Running into a staggered tree they began to climb and perch themselves high among the leaves and shadows. The beasts find themselves wandering underneath the pine sharpened trees. The sky flares into a frenzy of colors and flashes with the skull shattering sound of bombs and shrapnel. He instantly covers her soft ears and ripened lips. She tares and hugs at his waste while they slouch in the top most branch the tree. BOOM! The tree implodes at the bottom. Falling. The tree collapses. Dead.

The author's comments:
it was a fiction that just followed ever so nicely

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