Copper Rusts | Teen Ink

Copper Rusts

May 22, 2014
By Caleb Barndt BRONZE, Billings, Montana
Caleb Barndt BRONZE, Billings, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He thinks he’s got it figured out. This is his dream girl with no doubt in his mind. He just doesn’t have the confidence to ask her out. Her long, beautiful, silver hair is so attractive that he feels unworthy of even speaking to her. He somehow gets the confidence boost to ask her on a date.

Copper, at the age of 17, walks over to Zinc’s home to ask her out. Zinc is 18 years old and doesn’t really know who Copper is. They exchange hi’s and hello’s on occasion but that’s about it. Zinc was stabbing a pile of hay with her father’s master sword when Copper starts walking closer and closer to her house. He tries to walk as slow as he can so he can figure out what he wants to say to her.

A Copper steps onto Zinc’s property; the sound of a hawk arises. On top of the hawk is the most hated man in the entire kingdom. His name is Xenon. Xenon has earned his hated by killing innocent girls. As the villain flew by Copper, Xenon grabbed Zinc in the blink of an eye. The hawk carried her with its claws. Copper knew he had to stop him so he could go on a date with his dream girl.

Copper wield the master sword from the hay pile and started advancing to find his true love. Xenon lives on top of a volcano, so Copper began climbing. He has been climbing for tens and tens of minutes until he finally reached the top. His face is covered in dirt and the only scent he can smell is justice. The hawk suddenly appears in front of Copper and attacks him! He dives quickly into a barrel roll to dodge the attack. He suddenly strikes the bird in the heart and the beast lands into the pit of lava. Copper stares down the hawk as it cremates itself. Suddenly Copper hears footsteps and turns around. BAM! Xenon kicks Copper in the chest and almost knocks him into the lava. Copper leaps up off the ground as quick as he can, and the battle is on! Xenon lunges with his sword towards Copper’s heart. He Leaps back and kicks Xenon’s hand, which caused him to drop his weapon. Copper twirls his sword and slices the head of Xenon off his body. The battle was over.

He untied Zinc and they finally went on a date. They both found out that they are complete opposites and have nothing in common. The journey was all for nothing.

The author's comments:
I find most love stories to be the same so I put a little plot twist at the end of my story.

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