The Train | Teen Ink

The Train

May 21, 2014
By Anonymous

The train traveled quickly through the mountain range. The scenery moved by fast. The train has been going for a few days now. Everybody on board was confused as to why the train was still going because they were supposed to stop at the bottom of the mountain. The tracks go through the mountains, gradually increasing in altitude. Along the way, many animals are nearby, just watching the train as it passes by their habitat. There are plenty of alpacas, caribou, deer, and coyote. As night approached, the train slowed down near a large house on top of one of the mountains. Once the train finally stopped, the lights on the train were turned off. Every passenger remained seated until a large, aged, sharply-dressed man came out of the house and offered the passengers dinner. All of the passengers stood up and walked with the old man into his great home. The old man had maids and butlers to do everything for him. Once dinner was finished, the man let the passengers sleep in his house because the train was having troubles starting. The train employees worked through the night to get the train working again so the passengers would be able to leave in the morning. Everyone was still confused as to why they did not stop at their intended destination hours earlier. Once the morning arrived, the old man was nowhere to be found. Everyone gathered and decided to look for him in his home. After an hour of searching, he could not be found, then he walked through the door, sweaty as if he was doing physical labor. He was questioned as to where he was, claiming he was helping fix the train. The conductor called for all of the passengers to climb back aboard the train as they were ready for departure. The fancy old man insisted that they all have breakfast as well. Everyone gathered in the dining hall the eat the prepared breakfast. The man left the room and talked to a couple of his maids and butlers. After a short and concise talk, all of those workers left the house with axes. They returned as the passengers of the train finished eating the feast given to them. The conductor asked them to board the train once more, however the man wanted the passengers to stay a bit longer. He wanted to show off his artwork collection. He left the others in the hallways of various famous and old paintings and talked to more of his butlers. His butlers left the house again. Everyone was wondering where he kept sending his workers. The train conductor caught one of the butlers trying to break the train’s engine. The man was confronted about it, denying any accusation about it. He then scolded his butler. He was successful in breaking the engine, so they were forced to stay in his house another night. After they finished supper, they all went to sleep. The conductor wished to talk to the man again, so they went outside. The conductor pulled out a pipe, threatening to beat him if he did not tell him why his butler broke the engine. The man reacted quickly and pushed the conductor down the side of the mountain. The passengers all heard him scream as he fell to his death. The man did not know how he would cover up what he did this time. He told them as convincing as possible that he tripped over a pipe and fell down the side of the mountain. They all went back into the house. The man overheard them all talking about how they do not trust him and think he is going to kill all of the passengers. So the man gets his butlers to figure out how to fix the engine to realize that they conductor already finished fixing it. The next morning, the man offered to drive the train to their destination. The passengers all skeptically accepted his offer. He sent one of his butlers to drive the train, claiming that he knows how to drive a train. As time passes, they get closer to a fork in the tracks, one leading to their destination, and the other leading to a broken track. The tracks were facing the wrong way, so the butler tries to apply the brakes. The brakes do not work. Everyone buckles up and brace for the fall. The train falls, spinning and spiraling down the side of the mountain. It catches fire on its way down. Feeling like it had been hours, the train reaches the bottom, on fire and upside down. The butler is entirely safe. He looks in the cabins and sees everyone on the ground. There were no survivors.

The author's comments:
I had to write a descriptive writing piece that was more than 750 words, so I wrote this piece of trash.

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