A Mountain's Conqueror | Teen Ink

A Mountain's Conqueror

May 18, 2014
By Voltair BRONZE, Kohler, Wisconsin
Voltair BRONZE, Kohler, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At the beautiful and large house of the Decanter’s, Gorthog, the king is sitting upon his throne speaking to his wife about the feast they are starting to celebrate tonight in favor of their son’s acceptance to the challenge. He is faced with to go to the mountain no one returns from. Thor was very much like his parents and had no problems getting anything he had ever wanted because it was simply given to him. On the other hand his brother who had been the second born was mistreated and unfairly ridiculed for his mistakes he made. He was given enough so that he wouldn't bother his parents and they didn't have to deal with him. His name was Titan, although the parents disregarded him much, the kings’ hand and best decision maker noticed him and took him under his wing as an apprentice of sort but to Titan was more of his father figure than anything else. In his free time they would typically enjoy fighting and working on his swordsman skills and they would also read poetry so he was very influential young man. Both boys being teenagers often fought when they had the chance but never could stand to see each other for long because of the pure fact there parents treat them completely different. Titan was turning 18 soon and Thor had been 18 for a few months already yet Titan had seemed much bigger from the start and was much stronger than Thor and their parents realized. Many of the women in the town noticed it too but Titan was shy and on the other hand Thor was always willing to put himself out there for the women to attempt to impress them only to see them go back to admiring his brother.

Later that evening everyone was required to attend the feast. It included everything you could imagine from mutton chops, fruits of bizarre sorts, deserts and roasts of beasts no one could name! Titan and Thor realized they had to sit near each other and their parents noticed otherwise as they were too busy talking and eating with friends. The feast began, music was going on all night and drinks too. The more the night dragged on the more angry Titan began to get at his brother for everything he’s received and how spoiled he was. He confronted him and began to say he would get to the mountain before him and leave first thing in the morning. This way he could prove to his parents he was bigger, better and stronger than his brother whom they favored so much. In reply Thor exclaimed he would go then too.

Their parents agreed but showed almost no interest in the fact that they were going to Mount Firetoe, the mountain no one has ever been to and returned to tell the tale of what creepy creatures they saw, what they learned and how the adventure changed them. Old wives tales were told to scare children about scary dragons that lived up there and monstrous beings that ate kids if they ever ventured to far from home.
That morning Titan was prepared and ready to go with only a few things with the clothes on his back and his favorite sword that Gunther, the kings hand, had given to him as a prize of his skill in swordsmanship. Thor on the other hand was not prepared and had his servants at the house get him a large sum of food and other junk he would not need on his journey and weighed him down but set off much later than Titan. Titan had rose bright and early and left to see what challenges he faced as Thor trailed an hour behind. After over an hour of walking up the wretched mountain covered in bushes and large trees and only a small dirt path to follow he saw something climbing around the trees. He was startled but not frightened of the creature climbing about. Suddenly out of nowhere an extremely large lemur hung in front of a tree in Titans way. He asked if he could get through, the monkey replied no only if he riddled him something. Titan agreed but said why don’t you solve a riddle I give you instead of the other way around. Confused he agreed and Titan fooled him and got past. When Thor came to him not being as witty as Titan was thumped and then got thrown into the woods and became lost as he was knocked out by the fall when the lemur dropped him.
Being even more behind, Thor was upset and resorted to easily quitting his challenge because he knew Titan was almost there already if not on his way back from victory. He was amazed his brother got past the first obstacle. He began on his way back him with a bag of too much food and being even heavier with some regret on top to make it worse. Titan on his way to the peak of the mountain comes across this unusually shaped cavern all of the sudden. Having seen some ancient looking carvings on it, he was intrigued by it and investigated. The deeper he got in the darker it became until he came across and massive scaly creature. It was a deep dark red dragon the size of tens of the house he lived in! It heard something and began to wake from a long slumber and began to speak in an unrecognizable language. Titan questioned him and said why has no one ever returned from this mountain. The dragon then replied with a thunderous slap on the ground with his tail and bellowed no one has ever defeated him in a fight or even scathed him. Immediately Titan engaged the dragon dropping everything and with one swift strike he sliced the dragons scaly arm and backed away. The dragon screeched and slashed at him and missed as he dragged his sword across the dragons claw further hurting him. The he quickly got to its side and cut it up along its ribs before the dragon replied stop and enough. He explained he has never seen such a swordsman as swift and brave as him.

They told many stories to each other, the dragon being named Dante and thousands of years old had much knowledge and was very wise, had shared many secrets with him became friends. Titan explained his situation at home and how happy he was to be the first of thousands to challenge the mountain only to make a great friend. Dante then offered to surprise his entire village by flying him back and finding his brother first to bring him home to if he wasn’t already because he knew he wouldn’t make it. As they came flying in, Titan on Dante’s back, Thor was just getting home and telling his parents he conquered the mountain and before they began to celebrate Dante bellowed for the entire village to shudder at his presence. When they came out they found Titan next a new friend and very successful and his parents found him much more of a suitable heir to the throne.

Titan reigned for many years after his father passed away and Dante made usual routine visits to talk. He had a family after ruling many years alone and not knowing the right woman until finally Dante, with his keen sense of personality, suggested which was the best for him and he had 2 boys and one girl whom he all treated perfectly as a father should and never spoiled them as to prevent what happened to him.

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