lost in the forest | Teen Ink

lost in the forest

May 19, 2014
By jacob guge BRONZE, Algonquin, Illinois
jacob guge BRONZE, Algonquin, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Ok Mom, we get it,” Eli shouted. “ fine Mom, we will be home in less than two

hours, Gosh!” “lets go!” I shouted. Eli and I sprinted to the forest at the camp site we

had been at. “Hey Eli,” I screamed. “do you know what time it is?” “ No, its probably

been an hour or something its alright, we still have plenty of time,” he replied. I wasn’t

worried about the time after that and we just did what w wanted to do. We sprinted and

sprinted until we couldn’t anymore. “ Hey,” I yelled. “ do you know where we are?” Eli,

about thirty feet ahead of me replied “no, but come check this out!” I ran as fast as I

could to the end of a cliff, it was a good 80 to 100 feet off the ground and we both stood

about 2 or 3 feet away because we didn’t want to get to close, at the bottom of the cliff

there was water and trees and flowers and animals. It was all so beautiful we lost track of

time and just stayed there. At first we were scared to get to close to the cliff, but after a

while, when we got used to it, we got comfortable and just sat on the edge thinking,

“worst that can happen is I fall into water.”

Both of us knew we were gone long past two hours, we just didn’t want to leave

because it was so amazing, so neither of us brought up the time, and we both just

pretended like we weren’t worrying about it. After about three to four hours of sitting

there talking and enjoying the view we decided it would be best to leave. “I cant even

imagine how mad your Mom is right now,” I said as I slowly got up. Eli was still sitting

and I just got up. Eli moaned because he didn’t want to get up, but he got about half way

up and just then I heard the rocky edge of the cliff shaking and I heard a noise come from

the woods, I turned and looked. While my back was turned I heard a load thud and I

twisted my body around to see what the noise was. I saw Eli flipping, twisting, and

turning in the air. There was blood where he had been standing. He had slipped and

slammed his head on the side of the rocky cliff. I didn’t know if he was knocked out or

still conscious, if he did pass out he would drown at the bottom of the lake. I jumped

down the cliff terrified, not terrified that I might get hurt but terrified my friend might

have just died on my watch.

It seemed like it took an eternity for me to get to the bottom and in the water

even though it only took a four or five seconds, if that. I finally slammed into the water,

and I felt my leg hit a rock or a fallen tree in the water I didn’t think I hurt anything to

bad because I couldn’t really feel it. I guess I was just in to much shock. Eli wasn’t on the

surface of the water. By now its been at least thirty seconds since he had fallen, I knew it

wasn’t over yet so I kept looking. I swam down to the bottom of the lake to see if I could

see him but under the water it was muddy and murky, I couldn’t see a thing. I shot myself

up to the surface of the water and looked around me. I saw a red flow of water just a few

feet from me, and I swam to it. I knew that he must be the cause of the red water because

of the blood from his head. I raced to the bottom of the lake and couldn’t find him. I

swam back up got a breath and went back down. Still nothing. I went up for another

breath and it just so happened, in the two seconds I was up getting air I saw him float to

the surface.

I was relieve. But his back was facing up and he was face down in the water. He

had drifted off into super shallow waters about two feet deep. The Blood surrounding him

made the water bright red. It looked like a gallon of red paint had been dumped in the

water. I grabbed the side of his body and rolled him onto land. He wasn’t breathing. I

didn’t know CPR or any of that stuff I just say it in a movie once. I started pushing down

on his chest because that’s the only thing I remembered about CPR. Blood now also

coming from his nose I took my shirt off and dabbed his nose then wrapped it around the

back of his head where the wound was.

After five or so minutes of me slamming on his chest trying to save his life. He

coughed. Water and some blood came out of his mouth when he coughed. He spit on the

ground looked at me, and out of all things, Eli said “ My Mom is going to be so mad,

dude.” I started crying and I hugged him. As we were hugging he screamed, “Dude,

Doesn’t that kill?” I replied “what are you talking about?” he pointed at my leg. My bone

was almost out of my skin it was so badly broken. I was in to much shock to even feel it.

We didn’t know what to do. We didn’t have phones or anyway to communicate with

anyone but each other at this point. And it was getting dark. I can honestly say Eli doesn’t

take anything seriously, not even my extremely painful broken leg, I know he doesn’t

take anything seriously because he said this word for word “ Hey Dude, how does a frog

feel when he has a broken leg? Un Hoppy! Get it? Because frogs hop! But not when the

have broken legs! So that makes them Un Hoppy!” I didn’t laugh, I thought it was funny

but I wanted to prove a point. I wanted to show him that not everything is a joke,

especially this situation . Eli almost died and he is acting like he doesn’t even care, I

don’t know if I should be happy that he isn’t worried about all that’s happening or if I

should be mad at him, and show him that this isn’t a joke.

By now we had been out here for probably around six hours, and we can barely

go a couple hundred yards before we collapse on the ground, tired and sore from

everything that happened at the lake. I was slowing me and Eli down. A lot. I decided to

tell him “I’m making this one hundred times harder then it needs to be, I slow us down,

and make it harder for us to get anywhere. Eli you just go find someone , anyone, or

even barrow someones phone ,and when you find them, or the phone just come get me,

or call the police.” I could tell Eli didn’t want to leave me but he just nodded and left. It

was just me now, for who knows how long. I decided to find a decent place to sleep

because by now it was pitch black. I crawled for a while until I found a huge oak tree. It

was as wide as a car, and had a hole in the bottom going down as far as I could see into

the ground. The hole was big enough for me to fit inside, But I wasn’t going down there,

no way. It was even big enough to fit a bear, down there, for all I know there could be a

bear down there, if not maybe a fox, or a coyote.

I’ve been alone for about two hours, maybe more, just starring in the hole. I’m to

cold to just sit here all night and that’s the closest thing that has a chance of

getting me warm. I decided to go in a little because the wind was so cold rushing against

my body, and I couldn’t feel my fingers or ears. Just by sitting a couple feet in the hole

,the wind wasn’t touching me and I kept feeling warmer by the second.

I didn’t have a sweat shirt because it was warm during the day and I didn’t know

this is what would happen. The shirt I had on was sticking to my body from the blood of

Eli’s head that I had wrapped up, and my shoes were still
wet and making my feet

wrinkly and blistery. I hadn’t eaten in over eight hours. I was so hungry I didn’t want to

move. I felt like I had to throw up, but that would be impossible for me at this point

because there is nothing to throw back up.

I started to hear noises, and see bright yellow eyes. But I would only see or hear

them for a second, and then they would stop. ]I started feeling something was watching

me. I couldn’t fall asleep for many reason, the hunger, the cold, the feeling o something

watching me, the blood stained sticky shirt, and the fear of something coming up from

the hole I was just barely sitting in. I was freezing. I decided to crawl deeper in the hole, I

crawled slowly for about thirty seconds we I reached I big opening. It was a cave. As

soon a I got in there and stretched my body hundreds of bats flew across the cave

slapping and cutting my face. They calmed down a little in a few seconds, and after that I

layed there and relaxed there were no harmful creatures that I could see, and it wasn’t

cold down in hat cave, in fact it was warm, very warm. I was so relieved I could lay

down there and just calm down for a while.

“Hello! Where are you, Dude common! I got help there are some cops here!” I

heard Eli’s voice in an echo from the cave. I crawled up the cave and saw two cops

walking away with there backs toward me and the each had flashlights facing away from

me. I saw Eli too, he had a flash light as well, and as I was starring at them in relief, just

before I could say something to get there attention, I heard one of the two cops scream. “

Hey! I heard a noise over here!” Then the cops ran in the other direction of me. I

screamed “no, wait, please , please, help.” I started to cry. They couldn’t hear me over the

sound of there own crunching in the leaves as they ran the other way. I sobbed, as I

crawled slowly dragging myself through the mud, dirt, and leaves. I could still see there

flash lights hit the clouds in the air as they ran, and that gave me hope. I could also still

hear the crunching of there feet on the leaves. I kept crawling and crawling until they

were completely out of sight. The sun was just now coming up, and I was still crawling, I

knew they were still looking for me because ever once and a while I would here hem

scream my name. but they could never her me when I yelled back.

The sun was half way up, it was still somewhat dark, and I was still scared. “I

found something,” I said to myself in a whisper. It was a walkie talkie! I pushed the

button and said, “hello! Is anybody there? Anyone? Please!” seconds later, I heard a deep

voice the voice of a man say “why the heck did you walkie me mike you re right next to

me?” I
responded “NO, NO, I’m not mike I’m Jake! I’m missing in the woods and I

found this walkie! Who is this?” the deep voiced man replied, “ this Is Mr. Fields ,I’m out

here with mike and Eli, where are you?” I looked at my surrounding and realized I hadn’t

got far from the hole, so I told the man, “ I’m by a huge oak tree you cant miss it walk

around for a while, you have already been here, your partner dropped his walkie!” the

man said in return, “ we will be here as fast as we can hold in there, kid.” Right after he

said that I was filled with joy. After five minutes or so I saw the cops walking over to me

and they smiled. They had gotten within feet of me and bent down on there knees and

started asking me questions, like if I was okay, and what had happened. Then four

cougars came and clawed and ate everybody except for me, I lived in the woods until

some searchers found me. It turned out to be two and a half days until I was found. The


The author's comments:
its action and intense and really unrealistic at the end.

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