the beasts | Teen Ink

the beasts

May 15, 2014
By Charls Westwood BRONZE, Billings, Montana
Charls Westwood BRONZE, Billings, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They run franticly, trying to escape. Their lungs are burning and their legs are nearly giving out. They are being pursued. This area is full of beasts that man cannot defend themselves against. It was just a matter of time before they were going to find themselves in this situation.

It was just yesterday that the plane these people were in crashed in those rouged mountains. It was a small commercial jet that carried one hundred and fifty passengers. It was taking the passengers from a small remote town in the northern most part of North America and was bringing them back home. Some of the passengers came to hunt, but most were workers in the oil fields. Part of the way home something went wrong in one of the planes engine. The pilots did everything they could to keep the plane in the air,but it was no use. The plane went down hard. It tore into two separate pieces. The head of the plane down to the wings of the jet went much further than the rest of the it. It slid off the side of a small cliff before it finally stopped.

The passengers that were in the lower part of the plane had many survivors. 96 of the passengers were in this part of the plane, and 75 of them survived. The upper half of the plane had a much grimmer death total. 54 people were in this part and only 15 survived.

After the people settled down, they came in. They attacked the lower part of the plane first. There were five of them. They looked like a hybrid between a wolf and a bear, but moved like a mountain lion. They killed several of them, then took off. They had no idea what hit them. The attack only lasted a couple of minutes but had many casualties. One-third of them were killed. The upper half of the plane was also attacked, but they were able to ward off the attackers, only one man was killed.

The group of people from the upper half of the plane found the other half of the plane, and they began to build a defense against the animals. The creatures didn't come again until night. They creped in slowly while most the people were asleep. When they did start attacking it was horrific. The people had made a wall with just a few exits that twisted, and had made spears from pieces of the plane. They killed several of the animals at one of these gates, but eventually the beasts fought their way through and began to slaughter everyone.

Very few people made it out of the plane that night, but the ones that did are still being pursued. They are being ran down. There is very little chance that they make it out of the mountains alive, if at all.

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