Kudanganya | Teen Ink


May 8, 2014
By Ivan Montes BRONZE, Canutillo, Texas
Ivan Montes BRONZE, Canutillo, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


All around the world, and since the earliest humans, cheating is punished, and consider dishonest. It is even thought that only stupid people cheat. Long ago Ndale, a young man, who was tall and strong, was one of the smartest humans in the Earth. His intelligence, however, was never used for good purposes, he used such intelligence to cheat on people and confuse them. He would confuse them to avoid paying for goods, which is considered stealing and is also punished. He would also persuade people to do whatever he wanted them to do.

“Merchants are running out of business,” “They don’t make any profit,” these were the most heard phrases in the city, which were a cause of Ndale’s cheating. He would trick them and he wouldn't pay them or sometimes he would just steal things and take advantage of his physic to run away with all the goods he wanted to. Another issue that was very concerning in the city was frequent fights between groups of people or even between different cities. The truth about these fights was a constant persuading of people by Ndale, whom had excellent persuading and speech skills. He would tell people that the other group would tell bad things or would do things against them behind their backs, these of course would anger the people and they would complain with the other group. The other group of people feeling offended by this would defend their honor by fighting.

Show off. Not content enough with cheating the merchants for free goods, and the people into all those full of hate, and long lasting conflicts, Ndale would always laugh at the people for “being
so dumb” in his words. Even after he stole something from the merchants he would make fun of them because he outsmarted them and because they couldn’t do anything to stop him due to his physic. One night the people from all the towns that had problems with Ndale, gathered on the top of the Lion’s Head Mountain to talk to Ahura Mazda, the lord of wisdom, they begged for his help. Ahura Mazda said “A test will be applied to him, if he fails it he shall be below all and every single one you,” in these word the lord of wisdom referred to intelligence.
When he saw the extreme hubristic actions of Ndale, Ahura Mazda, was angered but still gave him a second chance, “You shall not cheat on people, or show off your intelligence, if you fail to follow these rules your intelligence shall be taken away and forever you will be ignorant” following this warning Ahura Mazda gave Ndale a test, which Ndale had no clue was made by the lord of wisdom, he arranged a competition with the smartest philosophers and professors of the world, this competition was composed of two hundred questions and every participant had one day to answer the questions and present the answers to the judge, the price was a large quantity of money, and of course the most appealing thing for Ndale the recognition of his intelligence by all the people on the Earth. All the participants would stay in the same inn for two nights prior to the competition, since he didn’t know this was planned by Ahura Mazda he decided to cheat.
When all the contestants had done their questions he persuade the judge in giving him all the right answers and he would give him half the money he won, the judge fell by such good deal and once the competition started it was no surprise that Ndale answered each and every question correct. At the end of the competition the judge invited an special guest, who was Ahura Mazda to name the winner, then Ahura Mazda spoke “And the winner for the competition is …….” when he stopped he changed form into his real appearance and said to Ndale “you failed to follow my instructions, now you shall be ignorant and everyone that follows your manners will be punished” then he spoke to the judge “ you corrupt judge, for not following the rules of the competition, you shall be hated by the law and you shall be punished with jail.”
Divine wrath was unleashed to Ndale and he became the most ignorant person in the entire planet. The judge went to jail and was hated by the law forever. Today whenever a cheater is caught cheating his punished with a zero, in most school cases, and they are considered unwise. In case of corruptness it is also punished and considered dishonest. And that is why our society doesn't accept cheaters or corrupt people.

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