Treasure or Not | Teen Ink

Treasure or Not

May 11, 2014
By Aaron Basta BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Aaron Basta BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Do you are do you not want to find the riches of San Juan.”

“Carlos I don’t know if there actually is any treasure at the a banded mines of the city.” Nick said. “We are going whether you want to or not.” Ok Stanly you got equipment. Nick you have food, and I have the most important of all, the treasure map. Everyone get to bed early because we leave at sunrise. “ I don’t know when that is.” Stanly said. “Ugh, 7:00”

It’s a little chilly this morning does everyone have their jackets with them. “Yeah.” Then let’s go. So if we get there what do you think we will find: gold, diamonds, maybe even an a banded city. “I don’t think we find anything but rocks.”

Wow thanks Nick, I will show you guys I know there is something special about that place it has suspicion and riches written all over it.

“We have been walking forever how much farther is it.” Actually we should be there any minute. “Sweet.” Oh I see the opening let’s go. “Wow its really dark, good thing I brought 2 flashlights.” Good thinking I would have forgotten that. The walls are wet and there is bats everywhere, this place is a lot bigger than I originally thought. “I don’t like it in here.” Stop complaining and get moving, Let’s get to the bottom.

Wow this is the coolest place ever, there isn’t gold or diamonds, not anything of value. But look at how beautiful these statues are. “Who do you think made them Carlos?” I don’t know Stan but I am going to take tons of pictures to show are classmates. “Good idea.”

That was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen I have ever seen . What do you guys think? “Man I still wish we found diamonds.” Wow, don’t you realize how amazing this story will be to tell everyone.

“I guess.” Well for me that is an adventure I will never forget

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