NeverSleep Prologue | Teen Ink

NeverSleep Prologue

April 22, 2014
By Grantz BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
Grantz BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are two sides to every hero. The side people recognize and praise, and the side they ignore.

It wasn’t always like this... Life wasn’t always racing by me. Then one day I came to experience life like never before. The feeling was so exhilarating, the thrill of what I could do exhilarated me. But I guess all good things must come to an end. So thank you for the good times, and even for the bad.

He stood alone on the building rooftop and looked down across the cityscape. He breathed in the cool night air. Then he sighed.

“Was it really so long ago?”

Then he smiled a bittersweet smile. The city was majestic in it’s many lights, signs, and sounds. Some areas filled with honking car traffic. Others,such as residential areas were darker and much more quiet.

The boy was seventeen and a half years old. He was tall and slender with sand colored hair. he wore a red jacket and red pants. The red jacket had white stripes stretching across the arms the pants had identical stripes running down each pant leg. Both pieces of clothing were made of loose material.

The night was a fresh peaceful spring night. The breeze that blew was low and refreshing. The sky was filled with the stars as well as clouds that lay drifting. So it was on this night the boy, almost a man, had decided to come out onto the roof. After all it was like a night so long ago when this had all began.

The boy took one last look across the city. Then he put on his backpack, stepped forward, and jumped. The boy fell through the air with aimless abandon. The rush came as it always had only this time it only served as a reminder.

The boy wondered if his life would come before his eyes as it had the first time. All he saw though were their faces. They were clear as day but more than any was her face. His dear friends, he couldn’t forget them, not even now. The boy pulled a photograph out of his pocket.

Now he saw his friends not only with his mind, but with his eyes.

“I can sleep when I’m dead eh Wit?”

The boy smiled one last time. Then the boy crashed into the ground, he died on impact.

Wish Track a happy twenty second for me will ya? I know you’ll miss me, and I know I’ll miss all of you. As of tonight I’m not a Dreamer anymore. As of tonight I’m a Jumper.

The author's comments:
Originally intended as a new start for another story of mine it evolved into a story of it's own. The new story is still a work in progress but is coming along nicely.

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