A Football Story | Teen Ink

A Football Story

April 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Its 2:00 p.m. and it’s time for the game to start. Cedrick Lewis, the outside linebacker on the East View High School football team. He’s waiting, praying for him and his team to win and go to their teams first ever State Championship.

A few weeks earlier… The Eagles have done the impossible! With a 6-4 record they barely make it to the playoffs getting the last seed after winning their last two games. But with the last seed, they have to play the #1 team in the first round. It just doesn’t seem possible.

They did it; they pulled off the biggest upset in school history. Next up is going to be a tough game against their rivals up north. Now if they do it though they win there region and would have 3 games left until the championship game. That’s of course, if they can win.

Wow they are just cruising along. The Eagles blew out there rivals in a 35 to 6 win. Now they are able to start their state championship run. They are the smallest team left in the state and if they’re going to keep on winning they will have to use everybody on the team. It must be all because of their team captain, Cedrick Lewis, the all American outside linebacker. He’s is just a monster on the field. With a body of 6’3” 225 pounds, he has the whole team on his back.

Now the Eagles have just won another close game. They now have one last game before they can begin to think about the state title game. It’s not going to be easy, but with this what this team has accomplished already, there’s nothing they can’t do.

The East View High Eagles are down 4 on defense with just 2 minutes left in the game. It’s third down and five to go. They decide to their base defense. Offense hikes the ball; they give it off to their running back. He’s running with the ball right towards Cedrick, but Cedrick’s ready and he lays the running back out hard. It’s a gain of only two, but wait it’s a fumble! Cedrick gets right up and picks up the ball. He’s got all open field ahead. He’s getting chased, but Cedrick is just too fast. He’s at the five yard line with someone right on his tail. The guy behind him dives catching his feet to trip him, but it was too late. It’s a touchdown! But Cedrick is just lying on the field in pain and needs help off the field because he hurt his knee. The Eagles hold off and win, but at a cost of the best player getting hurt.

Its two weeks until the championship game and Cedrick hasn’t gotten a lot better. He can run and practice, but he knows there’s something terribly wrong with his knee. He has to decide whether to play in the game and risk ending his career or sit out and potentially watch his team lose without him.

The game is about to start and Cedrick decides he wants to play for the team and give his town a state championship. They dominate the game throughout and end up winning, but…

The author's comments:
I just love sports and that is why I chose to write this.

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This article has 1 comment.

Tyranoh BRONZE said...
on Nov. 4 2015 at 1:21 pm
Tyranoh BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I love this story because of the suspense and message it sends. It sends the message that anything is possible and never doubt the possibilities. I can also relate to the story because my team, the Plaquemine High Green Devils, is looking to make a run in the playoffs after a not so good season even though “It just doesn’t seem possible.”