Divergent | Teen Ink


March 14, 2014
By Adriana Arellano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Adriana Arellano BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Veronica Roth,the book author of Divergent, published the book in the year 2012. Divergent is a thrilling adventurous book that changes your emotions in so many ways. Divergent is very unpredictable. The main character goes through many conflicts because she is one of the best Dauntless initiate. Her rankings are high which influences her opponents to be envious which puts her in a dangerous position. Being Dauntless tests your abilities of bravery.

If I could be characterized as anyone in Divergent it would be Beatrice. She never let's herself down she is very mentally strong. When Beatrice is sad, she doesn't break down in front of everyone she is very controlling of her emotions. She has no room to be pragmatic she is always realistic about her surroundings. Although my favorite character is Four he is unpredictable and mysterious. I never know what to expect from him and it’s always interesting when he makes himself present. Overall I really enjoyed reading Divergent. It's full of many adventures and full of surprises. I'd recommend anyone to read the book especially people who love adventurous books.Ever wondered how it would be like to have a lifestyle where you have to pick "faction before blood". Beatrice and many other Dauntless faction members have to live that way. A faction is a big deal. If there is no attempt put into it , it's like running in thin ice. Be expecting many surprises and incredible unpredictable plot twists. As Dauntless you should expect life threatening situations and being Divergent even worse. Changing factions from her birth place is going to cause a huge chaos in the book. Her previous faction where her family lies is going to make a big effect.

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