The Luck of the Mobster | Teen Ink

The Luck of the Mobster

March 9, 2014
By Anonymous

Sitting at this Old Italian restaurant in Jersey, there was this teenage boy at 18 years old he was sitting across a famous mobster named Alphonse Capone, better known as “Scarface”. A friendly dinner at first till the man that robbed Mr. Capone walked in the door just moments after they got there food.
“I know the dirty dog over there he stole thousands of jars of alcohol from me and I have been meaning to get him back for it.” Capone said grinning.
The boy and him sat there awkwardly watching every move this robber was making, the boy looked across the table into Mr. Capones eyes, and being the smart kid that he is he knew that that robber was going to die tonight, he was just trying to figure out how.
The boy feeling a little gutsy then said,
“Let me kill him Capone I’ve been waiting 3 years to show you what I am made of, I’m ready to do this for you to prove myself to you boss.”
“Okay, let’s see what you’re made of kid.” Capone said very excitedly because he had high hopes for this kid.
They both get up out of their chairs and walk toward the robbers table, Capone grabs him by the back of his shirt, and turns him around. The boy catches a glimpse of terror on the robbers face, it was like nothing he had seen before. The whole restaurant gets completely silent, but nobody is looking our way. The people at the robbers table leave without hesitation not daring to say a single word to Capone, they must of known who they were dealing with. He then drags him to the back of the restaurant throws him against the dumpster, that smells like old pasta. He hands me his gun then says,
“There’s three bullets in that gun and I expect to see three bullet holes in the back of his head.”
The next thing the boy remembers is hearing BAM! BAM! BAM! And seeing the robber laying on the ground face down. He doesn’t remember the feeling of killing someone for the first time. Now the boy has a look of terror on his face, what had he just done?

Late in the 1920s, when the mob was not as big as they once were, there was one mobster with the name of Luigi Gambini, he is 23 now. This man came into the states for only one reason, to be a part of the American Mafia! He was only 15 at the time he came over from Sicily with is family during the waves of Italian immigration, to start a new life. Luigi knew everything there was to know about the American Mafia. He was very excited when he heard that he and his parents were moving to America. His parents knew what a risk it was when they moved to America with their son being so in to the Mafia. But, they just thought that the stage in his life would pass and he would live a normal life, a workers life in America. That all changed the day that Mr. Capone walked into the sub shop that Luigi’s dad owned. Capone ate there and secretly Luigi had a conversation with him about all the things he read about him and how he looks up to him. It must have been Luigi’s lucky day because Capone asked him to run by his house the next day, because he had a better job for him.
And right before he left he said, “Kid you have potential.”
Luigi never forgot that day, and his life was never the same after that day. He went to the house and he started off just cleaning Capone’s personal guns, and when he wasn’t doing that he would help move the Alcohol. Three years later, he killed a man for Mr. Capone behind the Italian restaurant. He learned everything there was to know about the Mafia from Capone and for years he was his right hand man. Now Capone is dead and everything is in Luigi’s hands, and he is living the life in Capone’s big house. With his family, the one thing he cares about most is his wife and little boy.
One day, Luigi and his little boy named Luca, went to a car dealership, and it is not just any car dealership, this was a Ferrari dealership! They were looking at one of the most expensive cars in the world, and Luca was loving every bit of shopping for these kinds of cars. He had a smile on his face from when he saw the big red and yellow Ferrari sign on the big white building. Then walking through the big glass doors and all they could see was a ton of beautiful colorful cars on the shiny white marble floors. They walk up to the front desk where a man is standing with his hair slicked back and wearing a white suit.
“How may I help you sir”? Said the man in a very heavy accent.
Luigi replied “My son and I are shopping for a car, can you show us what you got?”
The three of them start looking at all kinds of cars in this dealership and they have spent the whole day here. Luca would see a car that he liked and would always disappear, the more he did that the less Luigi was looking for him. People were coming in and out of the dealership all day, but Luca noticed there was this one guy that had come into the store three times and every time he caught this guy staring at him, and when he made eye contact, he would run to his dad. The fourth time that the guy came in Luca didn’t see him, as Luca was looking at this really nice blue Ferrari with its top down he felt two big hands grab him and pick him up then carried him out the door.
“HELP DAD! HELP ME!” Luca screamed,
Luigi at that time was in the office, buying that blue car that his son was looking at. Both, the salesman and he heard Luca screaming. Luigi grabs the keys off the table jumps into the blue Ferrari he just bought and drives it right through the glass doors with the salesman in the passenger seat.
“Were going to get your son back you know.” said the salesman as they spot the guy putting Luca in a car. Luigi not really thinking about anything but, never seeing his kid again. He runs the brand new blue Ferrari right into the back of the car that his son was in. He was going so fast that it launched him out of the car into a pole which, knocked him out, the salesman unfortunately was killed.
By the time he had finally come too, Luigi’s little boy was gone. And when his wife showed up to the dealership Luigi only had one thing to say,
“I failed in my life.”
He feared that he would never see his child again, how could this happen? Luigi had been one of the most powerful men in the city, he had been trained and learned from one of the greatest mobsters, Al Capone. He kept replaying his son’s voice in his head, “Help me Dad!” He falls down, and begins to cry, his son was one of the most valuable things he had in his life. From that point on Luigi decided he could only do one thing, and that was do whatever it took to find his son again, and bring him home safely to his mother. But, through all his efforts and all his connections that never happened.

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