The Junkies | Teen Ink

The Junkies

February 24, 2014
By dlight BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
dlight BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
aint nobody got time for that

“Another day above ground” jim thinks to himself as he splashes water in his face to wake him self up. He goes down stairs to enjoy breakfast, but before he can finish his meal some one knocks on his door. He slides open the peep hole and a hand with money enters . He makes a transaction and slams the the peep hole “one junkie down a million more to go!” jim tells himself shaking his head. Jim is a mid level drug dealer that deals with junkies all time of the day rain, sleet, or snow he serves up junkies.

Usually jim doesnt run out of his supply but today he has to go get more, due to a guy that owes him money. Jim makes a phone call and ten minutes later a car is outside waiting to transport him to the supplier. The supplier lives in a house surrounded by pit bulls that will eat you alive and the only way to get to the front door is a strategic path layed out through the dogs. The path only leaves inches from you and the dogs chompers, any movement outside the path might lead to missing extremedies.

Everything went great jim got his supply to supply people and his supplier got money to go get more supply. Jim is on his way home and decides to collect on a debt thats owed to him. Before aproaching the door he puts his chrome glock in his waist band. “The gun metal has never felt so cold” he thought.“knock,knock,knock!” he knocks on the door, but before he can even wait for a response the guy jumps out the window and takes off running. Jim proceeds to follow him only to the fence where the junkie got caught up with his sagging pants in the crotch. Jim roughly tears him off the fence and drags him back in the house where he ties him up. “every thing was going to be cool if you didnt have the money man i was going to extend the deadline but you pulled a stupid stunt that changed my mind about you.” Jim says to the guy “now im not to sure you were ever going to pay me back.” He added.

Jim repeatedly hit the guy demanding for his money, but about three minutes in to interogating him “boom” the front door bust open and a local junkie is running straight for him. Before he can think he pulls out his gun and shoots the guy down not wanting to fight with the guy one bit. Jim now knows that the man is dead and the other junkie was tied up in a chair and watched the whole thing now he has to shoot both of them. He doesnt hesitate he shoots the tied up junkie as well.

Now jim is in a house with two dead bodies and he is searching for his borrowed money. He rips the whole house apart searching high and low, jim knows he is taking to long and the cops are going to be there any minute to investigate the gun shots but he really wants that money. So he looks one last place in the bottom of the oven. He jerks the door open and sees a little yellow envelope he grabs it and feels the stack of cash. He pulls it out really fast and counts it backwards its faster to make sure its all there and heads for the front door. “police freeze” the police officer says in a firm voice, jim knows hes done for. Theres blood all over him, he is still toting the pistol in his right hand and there is know way they would over look the dead bodies. He stands there frozen as the cuffs clasp around his wrists the cold metal sent chills down his spine remembering him of the gun metal.

All that hard hustling he did for nothing, he wanted his money and got it and two cases of murder and a life time in jail nothing can beat that. he wanted one thing a conflict got in the way now he has things he dont want... a jail sentence.

The author's comments:
this story does not intend to characterize any actual person person in any way, if this has happened it is coincidental.

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