The Comp' | Teen Ink

The Comp'

January 23, 2014
By PSYk1ll4h BRONZE, Sabattus, Maine
PSYk1ll4h BRONZE, Sabattus, Maine
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Billy S’ Grant is a 23 year old living in Trollstenville, Kinturkey and lives with his mom Judy Grant and his younger brother Seth Grant. they live in a run-down apartment above the corner store on 47th street and live off of KinturkeyCare and food stamps. They live in a high crime rated place with gang fights, robberies, and just about every crime possible. There has been a recent uprise in street racing and car gangs which is a gang that customises cars and compete against other gangs for money, drugs, and even the opposers cars. These competitions consists of different rounds and events like racing, drifting, visual (interior/ Exterior), top speed, acceleration (0-60 mph), and customised events.
These events can get very violent and can end up in a shootout, usually because they don’t want to give up their hard worked on cars, money, or what they choose to compete over. There is a lot of variables of how this can go wrong and can happen at a blink of an eye.

Billy is hanging with his best friend Christian Chill behind the high school as they always do, hearing sirens and loud bass in the distance that sounds like a train roaring by. Billy always wanted to join one of these competitions but with his low income he can’t afford a car. But he does watch them sometimes.
Billy and Christian waited until it started to get dark and walked to their homes. As Billy enter his house his mom is stirring a pot of potatoes and frying up some ham she says “Where have you been?” Billy rolls his eyes and says “Hanging with my friend Christian.” “ Okay, are you hungry i’m making supper.” “Yeah” and walks into his room. He opens up his laptop, pulls out his keyboard, and opens up his music producing program and started to make trap beats with an 808 kick, simple kick, snare, hi-hat, synth, and a BPM (Beats per measure) at 130. “Supper is ready!”..... After supper Billy went to bed.

*Alarm goes off* Billy turns the alarm clock off and gets up, picks his clothes and takes a shower. He dries off and gets dressed and walks out into the dining room (kitchen) and breakfast is ready with his family eating bacon, eggs, and toast with orange juice. Billy sits down with his family and eats his breakfast and brushes his teeth afterwards and puts his shoes on and heads to the nuclear power plant as a instrumentation and controls engineer which is where he gets his engineering background for cars, but he gets paid minimum wage ($7.10 an hour). His worst enemy works there too, his name is John Devis and he is the manager at the power plant and he is in a car gang called Moriartyz which is currently the most powerful car gang there is. They don’t see each other often but when they do, there is some type of hate going on, verbal, and physical (not at work)

Billy has been saving his money for 5 years for a car and upgrades for his car when he gets it. He has $12,957 saved and can’t spend any of it that doesn’t have to do with a car. In a couple of weeks billy is planning on getting a car and start customizing it. He is planning on getting a Volkswagen Golf GTI from florida so its not as rusted and beat up as a northern car would be to make sure he gets his money worth. When the car is done being customized billy wants to join a car gang called Anonymous Z. Which is the middle of the line car gang but still has some serious competition. Anonymous Z specializes in 2 door cars and SUVs but allows specialty vehicles like drag and drift cars.
Two weeks later he has bought the VW for $5,949, Which is a lower price for that car
that is just going to be modified and gutted inside out to make the car lighter. The trunk is going to be stuffed with two 15” Team Fi Audio Subwoofers with 4000 watts each at 8000 watts total. At that level he can enter SPL competitions which is a pressure test to see how much weight or air moving inside the cab of the vehicle. High scores are usually between 149 decibels to 153 decibels. Record scores go higher. He hasn't made a plan for the visuals (interior/ exterior) but he likes matte black and matte lime green color scheme, and he’ll put in some fuzzy dice to add his personality.
Billy was driving down 42nd Street and meets up with his enemy at the stop light. His name is John Devis and he is a part of the Moriartyz. Billy has nothing agents the Moriartyz, he even wanted to be a member but he didn't have a ride. He does now but it’s not customized. And John is standing in his way. He even robbed Billy because he knew he was trying to join a gang and was saving up money.
John’s car is almost fully customized and has 580 Horsepower which is good for a Honda Civic. As the light turns green John speeds off and Billy rumbles on and didn’t even try to race because billy at this point has no chance.
About a month later Billy installed his sound system consisting of a head unit, 4 speakers in the door, a 500 watt amp for the speakers, 2 15” subwoofers, a box for the subwoofers, 2 4000 watt amps for the subwoofers, a high output alternator, and a high output battery. This is his dream system. As you can see he likes a lot of bass, in his eyes he is a bass head.
He also installed a dual turbo and wide sway bars and took out a lot of the heavy interior, lowered the suspension, added a body kit, and tinted the a couple of weeks he is supposed to get rims and his matte green and black painted on. Now he has 610 Horsepower and advanced handling which John’s Honda Civic doesn’t have.
Eleven months later John is now at the top of his clan and won races, SPL competitions, and even a couple of drag races. The final match is a circuit which is 3 laps around a specific path and 1st person to cross the finish line wins. The constants are Billy Vs. John.
Billy already won on the visuals and SPL competitions. This is what Billy and John was waiting for. They line up at the starting line in which a flag holder was standing, revving their engines. The flag holder motioned to both drivers if they are ready and both nod. The flag holder waves the green flag and both drivers slams the gas to the floor and screech off. Billy takes the lead with John right behind him. John has a secret weapon that Billy doesn’t, Nitrous Oxide (NOS) which adds additional horsepower. John catches up to Billy with blue flames bursting out of the exhaust pipe. Neck and neck, so close John rams Billy’s car but the has really good handling so it didn’t even move his car, but John dives on astounded and tries again. This time John whent out of control but resumed on as soon as he turned back around. By the looks of it Billy has won, but he is at top speed at 190 mph and at top rpms... his motor blew and all he can do is survive off the speed he has and hold the clutch and hope John doesn’t catch up with him.
Billy slows down to 45 mph and John is going 170 mph but he is ways back. he is 200 meters from the finish line and now John is right behind him like a speeding bullet. Now Billy is crawling at 35 mph and is 50 meters, 20, 10, 3, 1. As Billy crosses the finish line john is less than an inch behind him.
Billy won the pot which was 500,000 dollars and now has a reputation of the best driver in the state of Kinturkey. He now has a high paying job as the boss at a car custom shop. He has a house of his own in the suburbs next to trollstenville. And he is now mutual friends with John and help each other with their cars. The End.

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