My Team and I | Teen Ink

My Team and I

January 17, 2014
By Cbrann14 BRONZE, New Gloucester, Maine
Cbrann14 BRONZE, New Gloucester, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We approach the enemy camp. Supposedly from the intel we received thirteen hours earlier, these foes were a possible code 313 (Code 313: terrorist threat). Making our way to the camp, everything seemed still. Although it was four in the morning, the uneasy feeling of silence was hindering my squad and I.

Our team, D33D, had been together for six years. We all entered the service around the same time, and have been with each other since. We've ranked together, cried over fellow friends together, and especially shared laughs together. The reason they put us all together is because of the way we know one another. Every man on the team knows the weaknesses and strengths of his fellow mates. This is what made us great compared to the other teams.

The camp in which we were supposed to infiltrate, was more of a small village. According to the intel, this camp was supposed to have seven tents and two Jeeps. Just by looking around, I saw about twenty tents, six cars (four jeeps, two trucks), and even what looked to be a few crates of some sort. Dawn was upon us, so we had to move quick. We picked up our pace, and entered the camp. As we approached, there were no red flags that stood out. The camp felt empty. There was no movement and there were no lights on.

The largest tent of the camp stood in front of us. I signaled to the team that we were going to start with this tent. We sat there for a minute to listen for any movement, there wasn't any. As I walked towards the canvas door, there was still no noise. Like I said, the silence was definitely peculiar, and it made me along with my team especially suspicious. I gripped the front of the tent's canvas door. I pulled the door back slowly, I flashed my light inside. Nothing. As I let go of the door, I heard a metallic click. A pin hitting the rocky ground. Oh no. I hit the ground and by the time I told my team to get down it was too late. A fiery inferno emerged from the tent, and sent my team flying. A sharp pain resided in my ears, and I can feel myself losing consciousness.

I awake and once again everything is quiet. I can feel the suns warmth before I even open my eyes. My head is pounding from the fiery explosion. The explosion! I quickly stand and look around. My friends, my team, gone. They are no where to be seen. The only reason I'm concerned here is because they got more of the explosion than I did. As I look around I see blood staining the dusty ground. There are signs that there was a struggle, and markings that my team have been dragged across the camp. Two of the four Jeeps are gone.

Where did my friends go?

Who did this to us?

Am I alone?

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