Abduction | Teen Ink


January 15, 2014
By Kyle Sandell BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Kyle Sandell BRONZE, Mountain View, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”

“I’m in his trunk. You’ve got to help me. Get me out of this!”

“Ma’am, ma’am I’m going to need you to calm down. Whose trunk are you in? Do you know?”

“No, he pulled up beside me on my way to school. He had a taser, and he told me to do what he said or he’d get the real gun. I got part of his license plate. It’s 6UKX8. That’s all that I got.”

“That’s very good. Can you describe the man?”

“He couldn’t have been more than 50. And he was tall, maybe 6’5” with short, black hair, and blue eyes. His nose was kind of crooked, like it was broken and healed wrong. And oh, god his teeth. Most of the ones left were rotten and chipped.”

“Okay. One last important thing. Can I get your name?”

“Jodie Lee”


“Please. Stay on the line with me. Please.”

“Okay, Jodie that’s fine. Can I call you Jodie?”, the dispatcher asked.

“Yes that’s fine.”

“Thank you. Wait hold on, are those sirens in the background?”

“No, I don’t hear anything.”

“Trust me. I think I heard them. Can you hold the phone out so I can hear? I’ll tell you when to scream.”

“Do you know why I pulled you over?”, a gruff voice said.

“Speeding, I guess.”, the man said sheepishly.

“95 in a 70, you could’ve seriously hurt someone.”

“Sorry, sir, won’t happen again.”

“I’m going to need your papers and ID please.”

“Just a sec.”

“Okay, thank you sir. I’ll be a sec.”



“Your ticket, sir.”

“Thank you officer.”

“Just drive carefully next time.”

“Now.”, the dispatcher said.



“Okay sir.”






“Jodie, can you tell what’s happening?”



“Wait… NO! He’s pulling away. NO NO NO NO.”

“Okay Jodie, stop crying.”

“Give me a minute.”

“Okay Jodie. Okay.”


“Okay, I’m good now.”

“Great. How far do you think you’ve gone since we last talked?”

“20 maybe 30 miles.”


“Wait. He’s turning. We’re on gravel now. He’s slowing down. S***. He’s coming. He’s opening the trunk.”

“Why, hello Jodie.”, he said.

“Why, hello Jodie.”, the phone echoed.

And the line went dead.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 29 2014 at 4:46 pm
Kyle Sandell BRONZE, Mountain View, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
this is interesting