I Want My Mother Back: Where's Mommy | Teen Ink

I Want My Mother Back: Where's Mommy

January 14, 2014
By Niaphael BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Niaphael BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dr. Seuss
Don't cry because it's over smile because it happen

I Want My Mother Back:
Where’s Mommy

There was shattered glass all over the floor. Picture frames were smashed. The house was a mess. It appeared that there wasn’t anything missing, but their mother wasn’t there. The girls searched the house for their mother, they searched from room to room, from bathroom to bathroom, and from closet to closet she was nowhere to be found. Rachel one of the girls searched Amber’s room their mother. Rachel was in shock, she tried to hold back the tears she covered her mouth and looked around the room. The mirror was shattered, drawers were pulled out, and the closet door was broken and was on the bed. Inside the closet were holes in the wall and clothes were all over the floor. Rachel thought what happen here. Leah and Danielle searched their rooms it looked like nothing was gone; their rooms were left the way they left it. Danielle asked her sister Leah,
“Why, is the rest of the house a wreck, but our rooms look the same?” Danielle asked.
Leah shrugged her shoulders and had a baffled look on her face and kept looking for answers. Michelle the youngest searched the kitchen. She dropped to the floor and started to cry and crawled on the floor. On the floor were a bloody knife, a bloody hammer, and broken dishes. The smell of blood was horrid it smelled like raw dead animal skin left out in the sun for days. Michelle made her way to the fridge sat back with her knees crunched up and started mewling a pool of tears. The girls found her and looked around and stared mewling as well. They all cuddled around Michelle and converted her. Moments later Danielle found a letter on the back of Rachel.
“Rachel, what’s that note behind you?” Danielle asked.
Rachel turned around and saw the note that said “GIRLS” on big white paper pined on the wall with a knife. The girls ponder before they opened the note. Leah took it off the wall and read it aloud.
Dear Girls,
As you may know the house looks like someone has ransacked the place, but don’t worry your mother safe… for now. If you ever want to see her alive again, you have to come and find before it’s too late.
Sincere, The Mystery Man.
The girls looked at each other and thought long and hard and carefully. Michelle suggested they just go and find her and Rachel backed it up with fighting and busting somebody’s head. Danielle and Leah denied that idea, because they thought it would be a trap. Leah suggested a carefully thought through plan before barging in somewhere. Moments later, Danielle had news about the note. She explained that were clues to follow by. First was to go to an old deep-six house, next was to go to a lab in North Carolina, and finally was to go find a broken down warehouse
“What does all of this have to with finding mommy?” Rachel asked.
It also said after you grab the items that the notes were placed on they will find their mother. In the afternoon, the girls went off and prepared to go find their mother and get the item required. Seconds before walking out Leah found a picture of her mother, she felt that she had to take it with her, so she placed it in her bag and ran out the door. At the old deep-six house Rachel could smell the burnt rubber, it smelled burnt biscuits coming out of the oven with black smoke coming out. Leah and her sisters kept on searching for the note. As night fell, the girls kept searching the cold pitch dark and trying to find the note, luckily the street lights came on and they shined like the stars in the sky. As midnight hit the girls finally gave up on looking for the note, all except for Leah she kept looking for the note. Finally Rachel had to step in and stop her.
“Leah give it up, we searched everywhere there’s no sign of that note!” Rachel said angrily.
As Leah and Rachel went back and forth arguing Danielle saw something a flash of red in the corner of her eye. She walked over to see what it was, what she found was the note. In excitement she rushed over to tell them she found the note. As Danielle read the note, Rachel said out loud.
“We have to find another note, Leah!” Rachel complained.
“Rachel, you are a BIG whiner!” Leah said.
As the girls argued, Michelle remembers the previous note. She looked up and said to her sisters,
“Girls were going to North Carolina…” Michelle said.

The author's comments:
i was inspired by the teenage mutant ninja turtles and i was thinking if a boy van do it a girl can do it better. this is a spin-off but in a girl version cause if a boy can do ninja things a girl can do ninja things but better

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