Escape | Teen Ink


January 16, 2014
By naturessuspision BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
naturessuspision BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s dark, the only sound is my blood dripping from my flesh, hitting my icy cold shackles . It seems like the end for me, is what most would say, but for me it’s still not over.

It all began when I was seven. My father was killed in protest by the mere government that swore to protect. My mother was always out finding a way to make the government furious with my family; the government had already killed my brother and uncle… Now my dad, but somehow she never found the motive to stop. I was always out helping my mother protest against our government. I never knew why we protested or why the government felt it was so important to kill my father. I felt like my mother was a sitting duck while out in protest. But still I helped motivate her because it’s what made her happy, at least happier than normal. One night I was up past 10’oclock doing who knows what now, when I heard some glass shatter against our unfinished wood floors. I quickly ran to my closet at which I hid until I knew they were gone. I escaped through my window and never went back. It was dark and luckily there was no rain for I had no way of protecting myself from the little drops that stung my face whenever I was under them. I ran to my little tree house that was in the woods. I had found it a few years back while it was still abandoned. It was my only safe house that I knew to go to. I stayed there as an orphan from what I knew. I scrounged for food, whether it was wild berries or old table scraps. That was my life. I didn’t think anyone could find me until I met John. He had been working with the government for a while and was ordered to find me. When he had finally found me he reported it to the government… When he found out who I was, he acted like it was a mistake and then he risked his own life for mine. He told me that he was supposed to find me within 24 hours but it was too late for that. It had already been 12 years until they had found me. They were already out looking for him as well as me. I didn’t know what to tell him… Whether I was going all alone or that he could come along. I felt bad for him… He easily could have reported me or left me alone… But instead he put himself in danger just to save me. Me, a coward at heart with a tuff outer shell that made me appear as if I had no fear… But he could see through my shell … He could see and feel the real me… The fearful me. I decided to take him with me, for I knew that he would help…

After weeks of searching John and I found the government’s main base. It started to storm; the rain drops stung my face like never before… John seemed to enjoy the rain in ways I cannot describe. He seemed happy in the rain, unlike me he actually found the rain pleasant whether he was in it or not. I tried to ignore the fact that it was raining, only concentrating on the fact that I had no idea what to do. All I wanted was to bring justice to my family. John was busy dancing and just being himself when I got an idea, yes an idea that he could sneak us into the governments base so I could do as I pleased. I looked over at John, he had just slipped and fell in the mud and now was as filthy as a pig in a pig pen.
“ Hey John,” I reached over to him, “We have to sneak into the government’s main base!” I had begun to bite my lower lip as he tried to process what I had said.
“Oh!” John yelled as it had finally processed in his head.
I rolled my eyes as his slight stupidity started to show.
“Come on! We need to hurry!” I said sternly. John started to run after me, trying to stop me. “You can’t do it, it won’t work!” John yelled in a fearful voice. I tried to ignore him but I knew he was right. I immediately stopped in my tracks and began to think about what would happen if I did try to take over the main base. My mind began to travel back to my childhood. I refused to think of my passed and I regretted not thinking about our situation right now. “Kim?” John yelled. I stood there frozen for a minute, then slowly started turning towards John. John had a troubled but still frightened look on his face. “John?” I started to question his odd stare that was looking behind me. I began to walk towards him when he grabbed me. He picked me up and started to run. I started to scream trying to get John to put me down. When I finally looked behind us I saw the executer and army of the government. I leaped out of Johns arms running for my dear life. I looked back and saw John trip on a small hole in the ground. I raced back to him as fast as I could, but it was too late. I heard John yell and plead until finally he yelled to me to keep running as the executer carried him away.
I cried that night , hoping and praying that John was still alive. The next morning , I ran to the government base. I snuck in through the main air draft and started my journey there. When I was in view of the government’s office. I waited there for hours, waiting for the right moment to pounce on the head man that was leading it all. As soon as the clock hit five, when the sun was barely peeking in, I trampled the dictator. I pulled out my dagger and stabbed him through the heart. After it was finished and my job had been done, I stood there, not feeling the enjoyment that I had hoped for. No it didn’t feel any different than it did before. The army raced in grabbing me and threatening me. They carried me off to the torcher chamber, where I was beaten and tested on. After about a day of torcher , they carried me off to my cell at which I’m at now. Yet my soul still doesn’t feel any different than it did before. I stay here chained to the wall, waiting.

The author's comments:
This peice reminds me of movies i have seen.

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