The Rockets | Teen Ink

The Rockets

January 10, 2014
By Gw101098 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Gw101098 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Rockets
“Your mission is to go in, do everything you can to make the situation believable, find your evidence, and get out. Remember Trip, you have to act like you're fully committed and loyal to them. If they catch on, you know what will happen. They are bad people and will do anything to protect their own. Be smart, were counting on you.”

“Yes sir.”

Trip walked out of the underground layer and got in the high tech elevator that shot him him up to the real world. He slicked his black, flowy hair back, untucked his button down shirt to look more casual, and slipped on his slick shades. Getting on the airplane, he said goodbye to his home of Las Vegas and flew out to L.A.

Dexter Glassjaw arrived to the airport to bring Trip back to the beach house where the drug deals and illegal selling of guns are done. To Dexter and the four other “rocket” members, Trip was a high up dealer that would be a great addition on their road to make millions. The assumption that he was just as bad as the rest of them took many fake phone calls, fake letters, and fake people to gloat about how great Trip is.

“Nice to have you Trip. We’re counting on you. Screw us over once and you’re dead. Do I make that clear?”
“Yes Mr glassjaw. Crystal.”

“And lose the glasses, you’re not going for the undercover look.”

“Sorry sir.”

Trip took his glasses off quickly and looked at Dexter for the first time with clear eyes. He was built, tattoos ran his arms, and thin, dark, short hair added to his intimidating look.

They pulled up in the driveway to the beach house, which was a lot nicer than Trip expected. He grabbed his bags and lugged them inside.

Carter, Matt, Devidine, and Vanessa meet him at the door.

“Welcome Trip. We’ve heard so much about you. Let me show you around.”

Devidine showed Trip around the house and had him set his stuff in his room that overlooked the water.

“So what goes on here? How do you guys run this place?”

“A few men from the Broncs are coming in later today. Sit back and watch. We don't mess around here and the people you're going to meet that i’m sure are much scarier you've ever met.

“I’m prepared. Lets get this show on the road.”

“You’re fully committed to this, right?”


“Good. Then lets get going.”

Trip didn’t realize the danger coming into this. He now realized that if he slipped up even once, he wouldn’t leave this house alive. To get these people arrested, it was going to be a lot harder than expected. They have put their life into this little business of theirs, and it won’t be taken away from them
anytime soon.

The Broncs buys showed up just after dark. They looked like the type of gang members you see in movies.

“Wheres the AK47?” Demanded one of the men.

Here we go.

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