Should've Stayed Home | Teen Ink

Should've Stayed Home

December 16, 2013
By sethrigdon BRONZE, Greentop, Missouri
sethrigdon BRONZE, Greentop, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My phone vibrated. It was two a.m. My parents were fast asleep and my ride was waiting. The glow of the tailights in the distance belong to a girl named Mazy. Although I don't know much about this girl, she talked to me about the luxuries of the big city. Which is something Im not familiar with at all. Living in the cold desolate climate of the Wyoming mountains resticted me from life's finer things.

I slid open the wooden framed window of my room placed on the second story. I carefully stepped out onto the ladder positioned against my house. My bags already packed and tucked away in the loft of the barn. On my way to the truck I grabbed my belongings which was just my life savings and a few changes of clothes. I sprinted though the cattle. They get startled and sprint themselves. My heart throbbed from the exictement of finally getting away from the family farm. Which I have longed to do since my family first got satelite television. Seeing hundreds of people partying and having the time of their lives made me envious. It's my turn now.

As I came up to the truck. The smoke rising from the exhaust. I chuck my belongings into the bed of the pickup and reach for the door handle then pulled it open. The girl in the drivers seat was a shorter girl with green eyes and a unatural shade of blonde hair. She wasnt attractive by apperance but she was different than anybody she had ever meet. She interested me in her knowledge of city life. Mazy talked about clubs and how she knew all the right people. She claimed to be able to go and do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted to do it. This was complete oppisite of the way I lived my life. My life consisted of the but rules and routines day to day. Wake up, chore, school, work, chore, sleep. Over and over again.

Originally Mazy was from Salt Lake City, which was where we planned to be for the entire week.

“Are you ready?” Mazy asked, with a deep sigh and a glance back at my home I nodded my head. We were off on a new and unfamiliar adventure.

The nervous feeling had wore off and I became drowzy. The lack of conversation between Mazy and I didnt help with my sleepyness. The mile markers drug on and on. I tried to put my mind on something because I didnt want to miss a bit of this trip. I looked around for something to talk about to get rid of the uncomfortable silence between us.

“Who allowed you to borrow this truck, its pretty nice?” I asked.

“Well I wasnt exactly aloud to borrow it, I kinda didnt give the old man a choice.” Mazy replied.

I stared at her waiting for her to crack a smile as if she was joking. I waited. Nothing. I sat in silence realizing im traveling with a crimnal.

“He was a grumpy old man anyway, with his cane and Veitnam veterns hat on.” Mazy said.

“Mazy you do realize that this old man has probably reported this truck stolen and the police have their eye out for it.”

“Yes, thats why we have to ditch this car before to long and burn it to get rid of the evidence then find a new ride.”

“Have you done this before?” I asked.

“If u really wanted to get out of that town like I do then you would have done the samthing.” Mazy said.

“I did want ou---” suddenly another vehicle goes flying by us. Then locked up its brakes and spun sidways with his door facing us. Mazy slammed the brakes as fast as she could. We slide into the ditch to avoid smashing into the car infront of us. The airbags deployed slamming both of us into our seats. I looked over as the Mazy's door was slung open. Then she was drug out and all I could hear was her screams and then nothing. She was silent. I locked my door as the man creeped around the front of the pickup. Then a cane was launched through my window hitting me in the face. A hand grabbed the inside door handle. He drug me out, pulling a gun. As he pulled back the hammer with the barrel buried in my throat. The blood stained veterns hat. Then darkness.

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