The Mystery Man | Teen Ink

The Mystery Man

November 22, 2013
By Matthew Lau BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Matthew Lau BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hello there, lets begin an adventure.”
I looked up from my notes, which was a pile of papers I had accumulated over the past years of my life. There was a man. He had short hair looked like a familiar person I knew, but I couldn’t recall his name.
“Who are you?” I questioned in a sandy voice. The man replied,
“I will reveal myself to you only if you come with me to go and have an adventure, but if I tell you now, you will find out what is happening and you won’t be able to go out and explore the universe.”
“The...the universe?” I stuttered.
“Yep! This is your chance to have a break from your work.” At that last word, I got up and said,
“Ok. lets go on an adventure.
”With one blink, we were gone. I opened my eyes. I saw a wonderful view.
“Wow, space!” There were stars that looked so marvelous and bright , nebulas so colorful and clear, and there were planets floating all around. Before I could continue enjoying the sight, I turned around and there was my partner, waiting for me.
“Now,” He said in a meticulous way, “Our adventure starts here. It is uncertain of what we will come upon.”
I didn’t get what he was saying, but I didn’t have time to start thinking about it. Something caught my eye. As it got closer, I realized it was a ship. A ship that looked so well recognized.
“Hey,” I said, “that looks like a ship I’ve seen in a movie, like the one me and my family watched last night, the dark star.”
“Yes, I know -” the man stopped in his words.
“What do you mean by ‘you know’?”, I insisted; but before I could find out who the man really was, there was a loud noise. It was the ship I have been watching closely, but I was caught off guard and now it was a few meters away from us. Before we could react, two metal robotic arms shot out from the bottom of the base. As I screamed and squirmed, the arms started to pull me and my partner closer. It was only a few seconds when we entered the ship, and when I came in contact with the blinding light, I was knocked out. After nanoseconds - or what it seemed - I opened my eyes and saw that we were trapped inside a giant glass jar. Aliens started to babble with each other, laughing and scrawling. After they got together, they proclaimed,
“Time to exterminate you lifeforms!”.
“My friend, it is time that you must go back home.” My partner sighed. I questioned,
“How about you?”
“I will be waiting for you when the time has come, but for now,it is time for you to leave and go back to your world.” The aliens put something on the jar. A tube which seemed to connect with a gas tank. I started to cry.
“Ok” he said, it is time for you to go now.
“Wait!” I exclaimed,
“What is your name?”
“I am,” He made a final pause, “you.” With that, I looked around. Things were disappearing. I looked at my hands. They broke up into many glowing flakes.
“Wait, Wait!” I called out. For a short time I saw a flash back on my adventure. From the glass jar to the ship, through the time in space to the time when me and the mystery man met, to the scene of my homework notes. I opened my eyes. There I was, lying on the table with no one else beside me, but myself, my dream partner, the mystery man.

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