The Book | Teen Ink

The Book

November 8, 2013
By proart BRONZE, New York, New York
proart BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
And behold I shall be a blight upon the land and everything I touch shall wither and die."

In this war. The stand between two worlds one of myth and one of science, this war will be the last stand of humanity; it has been 8 years since the creatures have landed on the outskirts of the city, many have given their lives for human existence blood sweat and precious metal have been lost. Hello my name is Adam Wolf, this is my story of the war between the humans and the creatures. I was 18 when all this started I'm now 26, I was just a normal kid in a city, it’s April 20th 2080, and I was just waking up, it was a Saturday, I had just wandered into the kitchen when my mother walks in with the tired look on her face, as normal she says good morning dear. I say good morning, get a bowl, milk, and cereal. As I enjoy a normal day ‘’one of my last ‘’ I think about my life and how is been up to now, its been good not too bad not too great just good. I turn on the TV and on the news a report on a strange light outside town I looked at my mother and she looked at me. The phone rang, we both jumped, I picked it up, it was my aunt and uncle on the other side of town they were both frantic on how I might get called for war, as soon as they said this I got a chill down my back, I did not want to go to war. After that call I was on edge the rest of the day, I could have shrugged it off, but I couldn’t. The next morning I wake up go to the kitchen and look out the window. I don’t normally do this, it’s strange of all times i look out the window there is a huge light outside the city, I was scared but I know that I will have to face what’s coming out of that light. Later that day a call for me comes in, I stop, I can’t move, I feel like I am frozen. My mother comes in crying telling me that i have to go to war, so I do, well not yet, first i must train in the army camp. first day I meet my bunk buddies, that’s the nicer way of putting it,there’s Mike Dunn, Jim Hammermill and Jess Homefield the only girl in my bunk. They will be My best friends.The first day was hard, not for the jocks,but for us normal people it was murder. later in the showers we are all talking about what we’ll do after the war. Mike said pup, we all laugh,Jim says he’s going back to college, Jes says she’s going to be a doctor. Then looks at me, and I say I don’t know, i’m not sure. Everyone is surprised,but they all went back to showering and then to bed. Day two we will learn about the weapons.The weapons are the static rifle, which shoots electricity bolts, nxt the pulse revolver a gun that has laze pulse technology, then the combat weapons like the small hand held dagger that is attached to the wrist then a small staff that has stun guns at the ends.

The author's comments:
I would like some help to finish this story

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